Luettelo suomalaisista videopeleistä
Suomessa on kehitetty videopelejä kaupallisesti vuodesta 1979 lähtien.
Ensimmäinen suomalainen videopeli on vuonna 1979 Telmacille julkaistu Chesmac.[1] Aktiivinen pelinjulkaisutoiminta alkoi vasta vuodesta 1985, mutta mittakaava oli pientä: esimerkiksi suurin julkaisija Amersoft julkaisi vain alle kymmenen peliä 1980-luvulla. Ensimmäinen kansainvälisille markkinoille julkaistu peli oli Stavros Fasoulasin Sanxion (1986).[2] 1980-luvun innostuksen jälkeen pelejä julkaistiin 1990-luvun puolivälin piikkiä lukuun ottamatta harvakseltaan. Julkaisumäärät kasvoivat huomattavasti 2000-luvun alun mobiilipelihuuman myötä. Seuraava nousukausi alkoi Applen tuotua markkinoille iPhonen.[3]
Suomalaisten videopelien katalogisointia tehneiden Markku Reunasen, Mikko Heinosen ja Manu Pärssisen mukaan luettelosta ei voi tehdä ”täydellisen kattavaa”. Erityinen syy tähän on 2000-luvun alun mobiilipelit, joita yritykset tekivät parhaimmillaan 20 vuodessa. Yritykset eivät ole itse tallettaneet pelihistoriaansa, eikä digitaalisesti jaelluista peleistä ole jäänyt fyysisiä kopioita ostajille. Myös ulkomaille alihankintana tehdyt pelit ovat hankalasti löydettävissä, sillä alkuperäisiä tekijöitä ei välttämättä mainita. Merkittävä aukko on myös Android- ja iOS-laitteille tehdyissä kosketusnäyttöpeleissä.[4]
[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]Ellei toisin mainita, pelien tiedot ovat peräisin Sinivalkoisesta pelikirjasta. Shareware- ja freeware-pelit on listattu erilliseen luetteloon, ellei niitä ole julkaistu myöhemmin uudestaan kaupallisesti.
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Nimi Muut nimet |
Julkaisuvuosi | Alusta(t) | Kehittäjä(t) | Julkaisija(t) | Lajityyppi | Muuta |
10... Knock Out | 1985 | Commodore 64 | Janne Julkunen & Juha Granberg | Amersoft | Urheilupeli | |
300: The Mobile Game | 2007 | Mobiili | Universomo | WB Games | Toimintapeli | |
3D Ferrari Experience | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | ||
A Collection of Bad Moments | 2018 | PC | Sky Trail | Sky Trail | Seikkailupeli | |
Action Legion | 2016 | PC, Mac, Linux | Aeonic Entertainment | Aeonic Entertainment | Toimintapeli | |
Afrikan tähti | 1985 | Commodore 64 | Otso Pakarinen & Jari Heikkinen | Amersoft | Lautapeli | |
AirBuccaneers | 2004, 2012 | Windows | LudoCraft | LudoCraft | ||
Alan Wake | 2010 2012 2021 (Alan Wake Remastered) |
Xbox 360, Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch | Remedy Entertainment | Microsoft | Kolmannen persoonan ammuntapeli, toimintaseikkailu | |
Alan Wake 2 | 2023 | Windows, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S | Remedy Entertainment | Epic Games | Kolmannen persoonan ammuntapeli, selviytymiskauhu | |
Alan Wake’s American Nightmare | 2012 | Xbox 360, Windows | Remedy Entertainment | Microsoft | Kolmannen persoonan ammuntapeli, toimintaseikkailu | |
Alien Attack | 2002 | Symbian | Mr. Goodliving | Mr. Goodliving | ||
Alien: Blackout[5] | 2016 | Mobiili | Rival Games | Selviytymiskauhu | ||
Alien Incident | 1996 | MS-DOS | Housemarque | Gametek | Graafinen seikkailupeli | Myös nimellä Muukalaisten yö |
Alienation | 2016 | PlayStation 4 | Housemarque | Sony Computer Entertainment | Shoot ’em up | |
Alpha Polaris | 2011 | Windows | Turmoil Games | Just A Game | Seikkailupeli | |
Amazing Alex | 2012 | iOS, Android, Windows Phone | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Pulmapeli | Julkaistu alun perin nimellä Casey′s Contraptions |
Amoebas | 2002 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | ||
Angelfish | 2005 | Mobiili, Gizmondo | Fathammer | Fathammer | Shoot ’em up | |
Angry Birds | 2009 | iOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360 | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Pulmapeli | |
Angry Birds Go! | 2013 | iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry | Rovio Entertainment, Exient | Rovio Entertainment, Exient | Ajopeli | |
Angry Birds Rio | 2011 | iOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC, Mac, Symbian, Blackberry, WebOS | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Pulmapeli | |
Angry Birds Seasons | 2010 | iOS, Android, PC, Mac, Symbian, Blackberry, WebOS | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Pulmapeli | |
Angry Birds Space | 2012 | iOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC, Mac, Blackberry | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Pulmapeli | |
Angry Birds Star Wars | 2012 | Useita | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Pulmapeli | |
Angry Birds Star Wars II | 2013 | iOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC | Rovio Entertainment | LucasArts | Pulmapeli | |
Azkend 2 | 2016 | PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Windows | 10tons Entertainment | 10tons Entertainment | Pulmapeli | |
Bad Piggies | 2012 | Useita | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Pulmapeli | |
Bionicle Heroes | 2007 | Mobiili | Universomo | TT Games | Toimintaseikkailu | |
Bitstream – aikakonematka makeampaan tulevaisuuteen | 1997lähde? | PC, Windows | Mediayhtiö Sansibar Oy | |||
The Blobjob | 1998 | PC | Intelligame Oy, Detonium Interactive, Sarajärvi & Hellén Oy | Sampo Oy | Seikkailupeli | |
Blonde vs Brunette Racing | 2012 | iOS | Tuotantoyhtiö Tuokio | Tuotantoyhtiö Tuokio | Ajopeli | |
Bloody Afternoon | 1989 | Amiga | Tuukka Salonen & Saku Lehtinen | Avesoft | Ammuntapeli | |
Bomulus atomivakoojana | 1985 | MSX, Spectravideo | Sampo Suvisaari | Teknopiste | Toimintaseikkailu | |
Bomulus ja beduiinit | 1985 | MSX, Spectravideo | Sampo Suvisaari | Teknopiste | Toimintaseikkailu | |
Bomulus and the Lost Crown | 1986 | MSX, Spectravideo | Sampo Suvisaari | Teknopiste | Toimintaseikkailu | |
Bones: The First Adventure | 2002 | Mobiili | Universomo | Universomo | Toimintaseikkailu | |
Boom Beach | 2014 | iOS | Supercell | Supercell | Strategiapeli | |
Bounce Boing Voyage | 2008 | Nokia N-Gage 2.0 | Rovio Entertainment | Nokia | Pulmapeli | |
Bounce Out | 2006 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving, Universomo | RealNetworks | Pulmapeli | |
Bowling Evolution | 2006 | PC, Mac | Bowling Evolution Team | Bowling Evolution Team | Urheilupeli | |
Burger Rush | 2008 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment, Mr. Goodliving | RealNetworks | Pulmapeli | |
Burnout | 2007 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | EA Games | Ajopeli | |
Chesmac | 1979[1] | Telmac | Raimo Suonio | Shakkipeli | ||
Chronicles of Narnia | 2005 | Mobiili | Housemarque, Fathammer | Disney mobile | ||
Cities in Motion | 2011 | Linux, OS X, Windows | Colossal Order | Paradox Interactive | Kaupunginrakennussimulaattori | |
Cities in Motion 2 | 2013 | Linux, OS X, Windows | Colossal Order | Paradox Interactive | Kaupunginrakennussimulaattori | |
Cities: Skylines | 2015 | Windows, macOS, Linux | Colossal Order | Paradox Interactive | Kaupunginrakennussimulaattori | |
Cities: Skylines II | 2023 | Windows | Colossal Order | Paradox Interactive | Kaupunginrakennussimulaattori | |
Clash of Clans | 2012 | iOS | Supercell | Supercell | Strategiapeli | |
Claybook | 2017 (Early Access) | Windows | Second Order | Pulmapeli | ||
Collapsticks | 2012 | Windows Phone | Rumilus Design | Rumilus Design | Pulmapeli | |
Coloris | 1990 | Amiga, Atari ST | Signum Victoriae | Avesoft | Pulmapeli | |
Combat Choppers | 1999 | PC | PsiStorm Entertainment | PsiStorm Entertainment | Ammuntapeli, lentopeli | |
Commander: Conquest of the Americas | 2010 | Windows | Nitro Games | Paradox Interactive | Reaaliaikainen strategiapeli | |
Compass Point: West | 2014[6] | iOS, Android | Next Games | Next Games | Strategiapeli | |
Control | 2019 | Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One | Remedy Entertainment | 505 Games | Toimintapeli | |
Crash 16 | 1985 | Commodore 16 | Jyri Lehtonen | Amersoft | Toimintapeli | |
Crayon Physics Deluxe | 2009 | PC, Mac, Linux, iPad | Kloonigames | Kloonigames | Pulmapeli | |
Crimsonland | 2003, 2014 | Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 4 | 10tons Entertainment | 10tons Entertainment | Ammuntapeli | |
Critical Missions: SWAT | 2012 | iOS, Android | Critical Force | Critical Force | Ammuntapeli | |
Critical Ops | 2015 | iOS, Android | Critical Force | Critical Force | Ammuntapeli | |
Cruelty Squad | 2021 | PC | Ville Kallio | Consumer Softproducts | Taktinen Ammuntapeli | |
Cyber Blood | 2006 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Toimintapeli | |
Darkest Fear | 2006 | Mobiili, iOS (2009) | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Kauhupeli | |
Darkest Fear 2: Grim Oak | 2007 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Kauhupeli | |
Darkest Fear 3: Nightmare | 2007 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Kauhupeli | |
De Blob | 2008 | iOS, Windows Phone | Universomo | THQ Wireless | Toimintapeli | Käännös Wii-versiosta |
Dead Nation | 2010 | PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4 | Housemarque | Sony Computer Entertainment | Shoot ’em up | |
Death Rally | 1996, 2012 | Windows, iOS, Android | Remedy Entertainment | Apogee | Ajopeli, toimintapeli | Classic ja uusintajulkaisu mobiialustoille |
Desert Sniper | 2006 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment (Abandon Mobile: US Marine Corps Scout Sniper) | Toimintapeli | Myös US Marine Corps Scout Sniper/Marine Sniper |
Destroy All Humans! 2 | 2008 | Mobiili | Universomo | THQ Wireless | Toimintapeli | |
Destroy All Humans! Crypto Does Vegas | 2008 | Mobiili | Universomo | THQ Wireless | Toimintapeli | |
The Detail[5] | 2014 | PC, macOS, Linux, iOS | Rival Games | Rival Games | Seikkailupeli | |
Delta | 1987 | Commodore 64 | Stavros Fasoulas | Thalamus | Shoot ’em up | |
Delta 16 | 1985 | Commodore 16 | Jyri Lehtonen | Amersoft | Shoot ’em up | |
Diamond Detective | 2007 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving | RealNetworks | Pulmapeli | |
Diamond Luis | 1986 | MSX, Spectravideo | Ikesoft | Spectravideo | Boulder Dash -klooni | |
Dogs of Bone Valley | 2005 | PC | Eitbit | Eitbit | ||
Dragon & Jade | 2007 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | Namco Bandai Games Europe | Seikkailupeli | |
Drop Mania | 1999 | PC | Detonium Interactive, Ninai Games | Suomen Kotijäätelö | Pulmapeli | |
East India Company | 2009 | Windows | Nitro Games | Paradox Interactive | Reaaliaikainen strategiapeli | |
Elfmania | 1994 | Amiga | Terramarque | Renegade Software | Tappelupeli | |
Emergency Mayhem | 2008 | Mobiili | Universomo | Codemasters, THQ Wireless | ||
Extreme Air Snowboarding | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Urheilupeli | |
Eyelord | 2013 | iOS | Secret Exit | Secret Exit | ||
Fantasy Warrior, Fantasy Warrior 2: Good, Fantasy Warrior 2: Evil | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Hack ’n slash | |
Feeding Frenzy | 2006 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving | RealNetworks | Toimintapeli | |
Ferrari Experience 2 | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | ||
Ferrari Manager | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | ||
Ferrari Monza Racing 3D | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | ||
Final Duel 2 – Deathmatch Arena | 2002 | PC | Fractile Games | Fractile Games | Shoot ’em up | |
Finnish Army Simulator | 2023 | Windows | Please Be Patient | Please Be Patient | Simulaatiopeli, roolipeli, toimintaseikkailu | Ennakkojulkaisu |
Finnish Cottage Simulator | 2024 | Windows | Ranela Games | Ranela Games | Simulaatiopeli | Ennakkojulkaisu |
Firehammer | 2004 | Tapwave Zodiac | Fathammer | Fathammer | Avaruusräiskintä | |
FlatOut | 2004 | PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox | Bugbear Entertainment | Empire Interactive | Ajopeli | |
FlatOut 2 | 2006 | PC, Mac, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Xbox | Bugbear Entertainment | Empire Interactive, Konami | Ajopeli | |
FlatOut Ultimate Carnage | 2007 | PC, Xbox 360 | Bugbear Entertainment | Empire Interactive | Ajopeli | |
Floboarding | 2003 | Nokia N-Gage | Housemarque | Nokia | Urheilupeli | |
Formula GP Racing | 2008 | Mobiili | Pixel Gene | Rovio Entertainment | Ajopeli | |
Freestyle X | 2003 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Urheilupeli | |
Furmins | 2012 | iOS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita | Housemarque | Housemarque | ||
Galactic | 1993 | Amiga | Stavros Fasoulas | Shoot ’em up | ||
Galilei ja kadonneet lelut | 1996lähde? | PC, Windows | Mediayhtiö Sansibar Oy | |||
Galilei 2: Seikkailujen saari | 2000[7] | PC, Windows | Mediayhtiö Sansibar Oy | Plan 1 | Seikkailupeli | |
Gem Drop | 2008 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment, Mr. Goodliving, Universomo | RealNetworks | Pulmapeli | |
Gem Drop Deluxe | 2008 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment, Mr. Goodliving, Universomo | RealNetworks | Pulmapeli | |
Geopod | 2003 | Mobiili | Vasara Games | Fathammer | Futuristinen ajopeli | |
Geopod XE | 2003 | Pocket PC, Tapwave Zodiac | Vasara Games | Fathammer | Futuristinen ajopeli | |
Gerty | 2019 | PC, Mac, Linux | Spawn Point OSK | Spawn Point OSK | Shoot ’em up | |
Get Rich or Die Tryin' | 2005 | Mobiili | Universomo | Fathammer | ||
Gizmondo Motocross 2005 MX Ragena |
2005 | Mobiili | Housemarque, Gizmondo | Gizmondo | Ajopeli | |
Glimmerati | 2005 | Nokia N-Gage | Bugbear Entertainment | Nokia | Ajopeli | |
Golf | 1985 | Spectrum | Kimmo Mäkinen | Hedengren Oy | Urheilupeli | |
Golf: Tee It Up! | 2008 | Xbox 360 | Housemarque | Activision | Urheilupeli | |
Golfmaster Challenge Golf |
1987 | Commodore 64 | Mikko Helevä | Hewson | Urheilupeli | |
Gorillaz Entertainment System | 2006 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving, Universomo | RealNetworks | Minipelikokoelma | Lisenssipeli |
Has-Been Heroes | 2017 | Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows | Frozenbyte | GameTrust Games | Strategiapeli, roolipeli | |
Hay Day | 2012 | iOS | Supercell | |||
Halleyn Komeetta | 1985 | Commodore 64 | Amersoft | Amersoft | Shoot ’em up | |
Highway Racer | 2003 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving | Mr. Goodliving | Ajopeli | |
High Seize | 2005 | Nokia N-Gage | RedLynx | Nokia | Vuoropohjainen strategiapeli | |
Hill Climb Racing | 2012 | iOS, Android, Windows Phone | Fingersoft | Fingersoft | Ajopeli | |
Hill Climb Racing 2 | 2016 | iOS, Android | Fingersoft | Fingersoft | Ajopeli | |
Hockey Rage | 2005 | Gizmondo, Mobiili | Fathammer | Fathammer | ||
House of the Moon | 2012 | Windows Phone | Kajak Games | Kajak Games | Interaktiivinen fiktio | |
Hup-peli | 1987[8] | PC | Arts & Minds[8] | Alko | Opetuspeli | |
Ice Hockey 2003 | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | ||
Ice Lakes | 2016 | PC | Iceflake Studios | Iceflake Studios | ||
Imperfect Balance Collection | 2012 | iOS | Ttursas | Ttursas | ||
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull | 2008 | Mobiili | Universomo | THQ Wireless | Tasohyppely | |
INFRA | 2016 | Windows | Loiste Interactive | Loiste Interactive | Seikkailupeli, pulmapeli | |
Interplanetary | 2015 | Windows | Team Jolly Roger | Team 17 | Strategiapeli | |
Joe The Whizz Kid | 1985 | Commodore 64 | Stavros Fasoulas | ALA Software | Tasohyppely | |
Johnny Crash | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | ||
Johnny Crash Does Texas | 2005 | Mobiili | Digital Chocolate | Digital Chocolate | ||
Juiced 2 | 2007 | Mobiili | Universomo | THQ Wireless | Ajopeli | |
Jumbo Rumble | 2004 | Mobiili | Universomo | Sumea | ||
Kheops – Suuri mysteeri | 1992 | PC | Arto & Tero Ylisaukko-oja | Komentokeskus Oy | Seikkailupeli | |
Kloner – Together in Dark | 2003 | Mobiili | Universomo | Universomo | Muistipeli | |
Kultakuume | 1986 | ZX Spectrum | Marko Aho & Kari Aaltonen | Triosoft | Tekstiseikkailu | |
Kultapossu ja Leo Leijona: Sateenkaarivarkaat | 1998[9] | PC, Windows | Mediayhtiö Sansibar Oy | |||
Legal Crime | 1997 | PC | Byte Enchanters | Byte Enchanters | Strategiapeli | |
Legend of Grimrock | 2012 | Windows, Mac OS X, Linux | Almost Human Ltd. | Almost Human Ltd. | Tietokoneroolipeli | |
Legend of Grimrock 2 | 2014 | Windows, Mac OS X | Almost Human Ltd. | Almost Human Ltd. | Tietokoneroolipeli | |
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy | 2006 | Mobiili | Universomo | TT Games | Toimintapeli | |
Lego Star Wars Episode III | 2006 | Mobiili | Universomo | TT Games | Toimintapeli | |
Line Wars II | 1994 | PC | Patrick Aalto | Safari Software / Epic Megagames | Toimintapeli | |
Lucius | 2012 | PC | Shiver Games | Lace Mamba Global | ||
Lucius 2 | 2015 | PC | Shiver Games | Shiver Games | ||
Lucius Demake | 2016 | PC | Shiver Games | Shiver Games | ||
Luxor 2 | 2007 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving | RealNetworks | Pulmapeli | Zuma-klooni |
Mafia Wars | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Toimintapeli | |
Magic Inlay | 2007 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving, Universomo | RealNetworks | Pulmapeli | |
Matterfall | 2017 | PlayStation 4 | Housemarque | Sony | Shoot 'em up | |
Max Payne | 2001 | Windows, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Game Boy Advance, iOS, Android | Remedy Entertainment | 3D Realms | Kolmannen persoonan ammuntapeli | |
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne | 2003 | Windows, PlayStation 2, Xbox | Remedy Entertainment | Rockstar Games | Kolmannen persoonan ammuntapeli | |
Mega Motion | 1994 | Amiga | Extend Design | Black Legend | Pulmapeli | |
Mehulinja | 1984 | Commodore VIC-20 | Simo Ojaniemi | Amersoft | ||
Metal Smash Pinball | 2005 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving | RealNetworks | ||
Metallic Nation | 1995 | Amiga, PC | Eero Tunkelo | Avesoft | Strategiapeli | |
Miner Machines | 1986 | MSX | Tero Weckroth & Mika Savolainen | Boss Company | Boulder Dash -klooni | |
Minä Peräsmies | 1998 | PC | Mediakeisarit Oy | Plan 1 | Huumoripeli | |
Moonfall | 1991 | Commodore 64 | Jukka Tapanimäki | 21st Century Entertainment Ltd. | ||
Mole War | 2004 | Mobiili | Relude, Sumea | Digital Chocolate | ||
Monster Trucks Nitro | 2008 | iOS, PC, Mac | RedLynx | RedLynx | Ajopeli | |
MotoHeroz | 2011 | Wii, iOS | RedLynx | Ubisoft | Ajopeli | |
Mr Seek Kaivosseikkailu | 1985 | MSX, Spectravideo | Jari Pauli | Teknopiste | Seikkailupeli | |
Murkku | 1990 | PC | Tarmo Kyllönen & Hannu Saarinen | Suomen Nuoriso-opisto | Opetuspeli, tekstiseikkailu | Oppilaitoksille suunnattu julkaisu |
My Summer Car | 2016 | PC | Amistech Games | Amistech Games | Ajopeli | |
Myyräjahti | 1984 | Commodore VIC-20 | Simo Ojaniemi | Amersoft | ||
Nemesis Perspective | 2016 | PC, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift | Evocat Games | Evocat Games | Taistelupeli | |
Nemesis Realms | 2018 | PC, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Windows Mixed Reality | Evocat Games | Evocat Games | Taistelupeli | |
Neon Chrome | 2016 | PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Windows | 10tons Entertainment | 10tons Entertainment | Ammuntapeli | |
Nero 2000 | 1987 | Commodore 64, MSX, PC | Bio-Syntax Method | Bio-Syntax Method | Tietovisapeli | |
Netherworld Otherworld |
1988 | Commodore 64 | Jukka Tapanimäki | Hewson | ||
Nex Machina | 2017 | PlayStation 4, Windows | Housemarque | Housemarque | Shoot 'em up | |
Nightclub Empire | 2006 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Simulaatiopeli | |
Nine Parchments | 2017 | Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows | Frozenbyte | Frozenbyte | ||
Noble Nutlings | 2013 | iOS, Android | BoomLagoon | BoomLagoon | ||
Noita | 2020 | Windows | Nolla Games | Nolla Games | Toimintaseikkailu, roguelike | |
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas | 2013 | iOS, Windows | Cornfox & Bros | FDG Entertainment GmbH & Co KG | Toimintaseikkailu | |
Octapolis Intruder / Cocoot |
1987 | Commodore 64 | Jukka Tapanimäki | English Software | ||
Outland | 2011 | PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows | Housemarque | Ubisoft | Tasohyppely | |
Paid to Kill | 2006 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Toimintapeli | |
P·O·L·L·E·N | 2016 | Windows | Mindfield Games | Mindfield Games | Seikkailupeli | |
Painterboy | 1986 | Commodore 64 | Chart Top Design | Tikkurila | Toimintapeli | |
Paper Planes | 2008 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | Namco Bandai Networks | Fysiikkapeli | |
Pathway to Glory | 2005 | Nokia N-Gage | RedLynx | Nokia | Vuoropohjainen strategiapeli | |
Pathway to Glory: Ikusa Islands | 2005 | Nokia N-Gage | RedLynx | Nokia | Vuoropohjainen strategiapeli | |
Patron Angel | 2007 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Shoot ’em up | |
Pile Up! | 2006 | Mobiili, iOS | Mr. Goodliving | Universomo | Pulmapeli | |
Pile Up! Candymania | 2009 | Mobiili, iOS | Mr. Goodliving | Universomo | Pulmapeli | |
Piranha | 1996 | PC | D-Designs | OTM Publications & Promotions Ltd. | Shoot ’em up | |
Pirates of Black Cove | 2011 | PC | Nitro Games | Paradox Interactive | Reaaliaikainen strategiapeli | |
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition Glacier | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Tasohyppely | |
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition Jungle | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | ||
Playman Beach Volley 3D | 2006 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving | RealNetworks | Urheilupeli | |
Playman Summer Games 3 | 2008 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving | RealNetworks | Urheilupeli | |
Playman World Soccer | 2006 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving | RealNetworks | Urheilupeli | |
Porrasturvat – Stair Dismount | 2002 | PC | tAAt, Secret Exit | Skinflake | ||
Profitville | 2007 | iOS, PC, Mac | 10tons Entertainment | 10tons Entertainment | ||
Plumber Dog Alberto | 2005 | PC | Eitbit | Eitbit | Pulmapeli | |
Puzzle Scape | 2007 | PlayStation Portable | Farmind | Got Game Entertainment | Pulmapeli | |
Puzzle Scape Mini | 2009 | PlayStation 3 | Farmind | Got Game Entertainment | Pulmapeli | |
Puzzle Station | 2000 | PC | Ninai Games | Kotijäätelö | Pulmapeli | |
Quantum Break | 2016[10] | Xbox One, Windows | Remedy Entertainment | Microsoft | Kolmannen persoonan ammuntapeli, toimintaseikkailu | |
Quedex | 1987 | Commodore 64, Amiga | Stavros Fasoulas | Thalamus | Nimellä Mindroll Commodore Amigalle | |
Racing Fever | 2002 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Ajopeli | |
Racing Fever 2 | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Ajopeli | |
Racing Fever Deluxe | 2003 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Ajopeli | |
Racing Fever GT | 2005 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Ajopeli | |
Raharuhtinas | 1984 | Commodore 64 | Simo Ojaniemi | Amersoft | ||
Rally-Sport | 1996 | PC | Jukka Jäkälä | Jukka Jäkälä | Ajopeli | |
Rally Trophy | 2001 | Windows | Bugbear Entertainment | JoWood Productions Software | Ajopeli | |
Rampage Puzzle Attack | 2001 | Game Boy Advance | Ninai Games | Midway Games | Pulmapeli | |
Ratatouille 2: Cheese Rush | 2007 | Mobiili | Universomo | THQ Wireless | Ajopeli | |
The Reap | 1997 | PC | Housemarque | Take-Two Interactive | Shoot ’em up | |
Reset Generation | 2008 | PC, Nokia N-Gage 2.0 | RedLynx | Nokia | Strategiapeli | |
Resogun | 2013 | PlayStation 4 | Housemarque | Sony Computer Entertainment | Shoot ’em up | |
Returnal | 2021 | PlayStation 5,
Windows |
Housemarque | Sony Interactive Entertainment | Kolmannen persoonan ammuntapeli, roguelike | |
Rock Runners | 2013 | iOS, Android | Recoil Games | Chillingo | Tasohyppely | |
Rochard | 2011 | PlayStation 3, Windows, Android | Recoil Games | |||
Roller | 1987 | MSX | Tero Weckroth & Mika Savolainen | Boss Company / Triosoft | ||
Rust Buccaneers | 2013 | PlayStation 3 | Pixolane | Pixolane | Sotapeli | |
Rutger | 2013 | iOS, Android, Windows Phone | Eitbit | Eitbit | Boulder Dash -klooni | |
Santa’s Rush Hour | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | ||
Sanxion | 1986 | Commodore 64, Spectrum | Stavros Fasoulas | Thalamus | ||
Scarlotti’s Mafia Wars 2 | 2005 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Toimintapeli | |
Sceptre of Bagdad | 1987 | Sinclair Spectrum | Productive Playtime | Atlantis Software | Toimintaseikkailu | |
Sega Rally Revo | 2007 | PlayStation Portable | Bugbear Entertainment | Sega | Ajopeli | |
Shadowgrounds | 2005 | Windows, Linux | Frozenbyte | Meridian 4, DTP, Techland, Reef Entertainment, Auran Games | ||
Shadowgrounds Survivor | 2007 | Windows, Mac OS X, Linux | Frozenbyte | Frozenbyte | ||
Shadwen | 2016 | Linux, Mac OS X, PlayStation 4, Windows | Frozenbyte | Frozenbyte | ||
Shattered Horizon | 2009 | Windows | Futuremark | Futuremark | Ammuntapeli | |
Shardlands | 2012 | iOS | Breach Entertainment | Breach Entertainment | ||
SiL – The Silhouette Game SPiN – Super Shape Puzzle |
2006 | Mobiili, iOS | Fathammer | Telcogames | Pulmapeli | |
Sink ’Em All! | 2012 | iOS, Android | Nitro Games | Nitro Games | ||
Soviet Challenge: Javelin 1980 | 2012 | iOS, Android, Windows Phone | Eitbit | Eitbit | ||
South Park 10: The Game | 2007 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving | RealNetworks | Toimintaseikkailu | |
Sparkle | 2007 | iOS, Android, PC, Mobiili | 10tons Entertainment | 10tons Entertainment | Pulmapeli | |
Space Satellite | 1985 | MSX, Spectravideo | Ari Anturaniemi | Teknopiste | ||
Space Station Manager | 2003 | PC | Mistaril | Mistaril | ||
Space Taxi Pinball | 2003 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving | Pulse Interactive | Flipperipeli | |
Spareware | 2016 | Windows, Xbox One | Rusto | Rusto | Ammuntapeli | |
Sparkle 2 | 2013 | iOS, Android | 10tons Entertainment | 10tons Entertainment | Pulmapeli | |
Spy Hunter | 2003 | Tapwave Zodiac | Vasara Games | Fathammer | Ajopeli | |
Stardust | 1993 | Amiga, Atari STE, PC | Bloodhouse | Team 17 | Shoot ’em up | |
Stardust Galaxy Warriors | 2015 | PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows | Dreamloop Games | Dreamloop Games | Shoot ’em up | |
Star Marine | 2007 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Toimintapeli | |
Stones of Khufu | 2007 | Mobiili | Universomo | RealNetwork | Pulmapeli | |
Street Soccer | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Urheilupeli | |
Street Soccer 2 | 2005 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Urheilupeli | |
Stunt Car Extreme | 2003 | Tapwave Zodiac | Vasara Games | Fathammer | Ajopeli | |
Stuntfest | 2016 (Early Access) | PC | Bugbear Entertainment | Bugbear Entertainment | Ajopeli | |
Stuntman: Ignition | 2007 | Mobiili | Universomo | THQ Wireless | Toimintapeli | |
Sumea Ski Jump | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Urheilupeli | |
Sumo Smash! | 2004 | Mobiili | Universomo | Digital Chocolate | ||
Supernauts | 2013 | iOS | Grand Cru | Grand Cru | ||
Super Drop Mania | 2005 | Gizmondo | Ninai Games | Fathammer | Pulmapeli | |
Super Stardust Super Stardust 96 |
1994 | Amiga 1200, Amiga 4000, Amiga CD32 (1995) PC (1996) |
Bloodhouse / Housemarque | Team 17 | Shoot ’em up | |
Super Stardust Delta | 2012 | PlayStation Vita | Housemarque | Sony Computer Entertainment | Shoot ’em up | |
Super Stardust HD | 2007 | PlayStation 3 | Housemarque | Sony Computer Entertainment | Shoot ’em up | |
Super Stardust Portable | 2008 | PlayStation Portable | Housemarque | Sony Computer Entertainment | Shoot ’em up | |
Supreme Snowboarding | 1999 | PC | Housemarque | Infogrames | Urheilupeli | |
Survivor | 2004 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | ||
The Swapper | 2013 | PC | Facepalm Games | Facepalm Games | Toimintaseikkailu | |
Talvisota | 1987 | MSX | Olli Kainulainen | Triosoft | Strategiapeli | |
Talvisota: Icy Hell | 2008 | PC | Blitzfront Game Studios | Nival Entertainment | ||
Tank | 1986 | MSX | Tero Weckroth & Mika Savolainen | Boss Company | ||
Tank Squad | 2005 | Mobiili | Housemarque | Fathammer | Vuoropohjainen strategiapeli | |
Tennis in the Face | 2013 | iOS | 10tons Entertainment | 10tons Entertainment | Pulmapeli | |
Thief of Thieves[5] | 2018 | Windows, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch | Rival Games | Rival Games | Seikkailupeli | |
Thrust, Twist'n Turn | 1999 | PC | Carts Entertainment Oy Ltd. | Take-Two Interactive | Ajopeli | |
Tiny Troopers 2: Special Ops | 2013 | iOS, Android | Kukouri Mobile Entertainment | Chillingo | Toimintapeli | |
Tough Trucks: Modified Monsters | 2003 | PC | Bugbear Entertainment | Activision | Ajopeli | |
Toy Golf | 2006 | PC, Gizmondo | Ninai Games, Fathammer | Zoo Digital Publishing | Urheilupeli | |
Tower Bloxx | 2005 | Mobiili, iOS (2009), Xbox 360, PC | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Pulmapeli | |
Trails of Terror – Mutiny | 2004 | Mobiili | Universomo | Universomo | Toimintapeli, pulmapeli | |
Trajectory[11] | 2017 | Windows | Sky Trail[12] | Sky Trail | Seikkailupeli | |
Transworld Snowboarding | 2002 | Xbox | Housemarque | Infogrames | Urheilupeli | |
Treemaker | 2013 | iOS, Android | Mikrotie Ltd. | Mikrotie Ltd. | ||
Trials 2 | 2008 | PC | RedLynx | RedLynx | Ajopeli | |
Trials Evolution | 2012 | Xbox 360 | RedLynx | Ubisoft | Ajopeli | |
Trials Fusion | 2014 | PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox 360, Xbox One | RedLynx | Ubisoft | Ajopeli | |
Trials Frontier | 2013 | iOS, Android | RedLynx | Ubisoft | Ajopeli | |
Trials HD | 2009 | Xbox 360 | RedLynx | Microsoft | Ajopeli | |
Trials of the Blood Dragon | 2016 | PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One | RedLynx | Ubisoft | Ajopeli | |
Trine | 2009 | Windows, PlayStation 3, Linux | Frozenbyte | Nobilis, Southpeak Entertainment | Toimintaseikkailu | |
Trine 2 | 2011 | Wii U, Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 | Frozenbyte | Atlus | Toimintaseikkailu | |
Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power | 2015 | Linux, Mac, Windows, PlayStation 4 | Frozenbyte | Toimintaseikkailu | ||
Triplane Turmoil 2 | 2006 | PC | Draconus Entertainment LTd. | Draconus Entertainment LTd. | Lentopeli | |
Trulon – The Shadow Engine | 2015 | Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One | Kyy Games | PowerPark | Taktinen roolipeli | |
Tsapp! Tsapp! 16 |
1984 | Commodore 64 Commodore 16 |
Risto Lankinen | Amersoft | ||
Turbo Camels | 2004 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving | Mr. Goodliving | ||
Turbo Camels Circus Extreme | 2006 | Mobiili | Mr. Goodliving | RealNetworks | ||
Turbo Dismount | 2014 | PC, Mobiili | Secret Exit | Secret Exit | ||
UnReal World | 1992 2013 (freeware)[13] 2016 (Steam) |
PC | Sami Maaranen & Erkka Lehmus | Enormous Elk | Tietokoneroolipeli, roguelike | |
Unstoppable Gorg | 2012 | Windows, Mac OS X | Futuremark | Futuremark | Tornipuolustus | |
Urban Empire | 2017 | Windows | Reborn Games | Kalypso Media Digital | Strategiapeli | |
Uuno Turhapuro muuttaa maalle | 1986 | Commodore 64 | Purebyte | Amersoft | Toimintapeli | |
The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land | 2015[14] | iOS, Android | Next Games | AMC | Strategiapeli | |
War Diary: Burma | 2006 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Strategiapeli | |
War Diary: Crusader | 2006 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Strategiapeli | |
War Diary: Torpedo | 2006 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Strategiapeli | |
War Hero 1944 | 2005 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Toimintapeli | |
Warhammer 40 000: Squad Command | 2007 | PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS | RedLynx | THQ | Vuoropohjainen strategiapeli | |
Wasteland Angel | 2011 | Windows | Octane Games | Meridian4 | Toimintapeli | |
Watchtower | 1996 | Amiga | CyberArts Ltd. | OTM Publications & Promotions Ltd. | Shoot ’em up | |
Wolfmoon | 2006 | Mobiili | Rovio Entertainment | Rovio Entertainment | Kauhuseikkailu | |
Woody Two-Legs Attack of the Zombie Pirates | 2010 | Windows | Nitro Games | |||
Words Unleashed: Sana on vapaa | 2013 | iOS | Moido Games | Moido Games | Pulmapeli | |
World Series of Poker 2008: Battle for the Bracelets | 2007 | Nintendo DS | Farmind | Activision | Korttipeli | |
Wreckfest[15] | 2018[16] | Windows | Bugbear Entertainment | THQ Nordic | Ajopeli | |
Xenoraid: The First Space War | 2016 | PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One | 10tons Entertainment | 10tons Entertainment | Ammuntapeli | |
Yleisurheilu | 1985 | Commodre 64, VIC-20 | Juha & Mika Salomäki | Amersoft | ||
Yo Yo Fighter | 2003 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Tasohyppely | |
Zamzara Bahnzy |
1988 | Commodore 64 | Jukka Tapanimäki | Rack'It (Hewson) | Toimintapeli, tasohyppely | |
Zen Bound | 2009 | iOS | Secret Exit | Secret Exit | Taitopeli | |
Zen Bound 2 | 2010 | Mac OS X, Windows | Secret Exit | Secret Exit | Taitopeli | |
Zen Touch | 2009 | iOS | Secret Exit | Secret Exit | Taitopeli | |
Zoy's Rescue Mission & Zoy's Rescue Mission 2 | 2003 | Mobiili | Sumea | Digital Chocolate | Tasohyppely | |
The Hive | 2014 | PC, Mac, Linux | Skydome Entertainment | Skydome Entertainment | Strategiapeli |
- Ayo (Android)
- Battleships! (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BB10, Symbian, Maemo, Meego)
- Crazy Gardens (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Symbian, Maemo, Meego)
- Diamonds Capture (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Facebook, Symbian, Maemo, Meego, S40)
- Diamonds Paradise (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Symbian, Maemo, Meego)
- Jelly Wars (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BB10, Symbian, Maemo, Meego)
- King of Words ( iOS, Android )
- Mancala (iOS, Android, Symbian, Maemo, Meego)
- Memory Game (iOS, Android, Symbian, Maemo, Meego)
- Reversi (iOS, Android, Symbian, Maemo, Meego)
- Rock Paper Scissors (Android)
- Spawned (iOS, Android, Symbian, Maemo, Meego)
- TicTacToe (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Facebook, Symbian, Meego, Maemo)
[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]- Floorball League (Prodigium Game Studios: PC)
- Hockey Rage (Chairman&Board: Gizmondo)
- Lead the Meerkats (Lapland Studio: WiiWare)
- Nero 2000 (Bio-Syntax Method Oy; MSX, C-64, IBM PC)
- Paintball Manager
- Piranha
- Santageddon (Riot Entertaintment: PC)
- Tietomestari (Weilin+Göös & Ivan Berg Software)
Katso myös
[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]Lähteet
[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]- Kuorikoski, Juho: Sinivalkoinen pelikirja – Suomen pelialan kronikka 1984–2014. Saarijärvi: Fobos Kustannus, 2014. ISBN 978-952-67937-1-9
- Reunanen, Markku; Heinonen, Mikko & Pärssinen, Manu: Suomalaisen peliteollisuuden valtavirtaa ja sivupolkuja Pelitutkimuksen vuosikirja 2014. Viitattu 21.4.2015.
[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]- ↑ a b Ensimmäinen suomalainen tietokonepeli 28.7.2014. Viitattu 11.4.2015.
- ↑ Reunanen et al, s. 16
- ↑ Reunanen et al, s.22-23
- ↑ Reunanen et al, s.15-16
- ↑ a b c Rival Games Presskit Rival Games. Viitattu 12.12.2020. (englanniksi)
- ↑ (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
- ↑ Kaartinen, Simo: Televisiosta peliksi. Galilei on nuorempien mieleen. Pelit, 2000, nro 9/2000, s. 6.
- ↑ a b Yritysohjelmistoja jo 30 vuoden kokemuksella! Arts & Minds. Arkistoitu 30.5.2014. Viitattu 30.11.2015.
- ↑ Kultapossu ja Leo
- ↑ Quantum Break set to launch in 2016 2.4.2015. Remedy. Arkistoitu 6.4.2015. Viitattu 11.4.2015. (englanniksi)
- ↑ Trajectory Viitattu 3.4.2017.
- ↑ Sky Trail Oy Ltd Viitattu 3.4.2017.
- ↑ Development history of UnReal World RPG Viitattu 18.4.2015. (englanniksi)
- ↑
- ↑ Next Car Game Viitattu 31.7.2015.
- ↑ Alice O'Connor: Wreckfest has smashed out of early access 14.6.2018. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Viitattu 15.6.2018.
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