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Vera Lynnin diskografia

Vera Lynnin diskografia
Studioalbumit 20
Kokoelmat 4

Tämä on Vera Lynnin diskografia.


[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Vuosi Nimi
1955 Vera Lynn Concert
1956 If I Am Dreaming
1958 The Wonderful World of Nursery Rhymes
1959 Vera Lynn Sings…Songs of the Tuneful Twenties
1960 Sing with Vera
1961 As Time Goes By
1962 Hits of the Blitz
1963 The Wonderful Vera Lynn
1964 Among My Souvenirs
1966 More Hits of the Blitz
1970 Hits of the 60’s-My Way
1972 Unforgettable Songs by Vera Lynn
1972 Favourite Sacred Songs
1974 Vera Lynn Remembers – The World at War
1976 Christmas with Vera Lynn
1977 Vera Lynn in Nashville
1979 Thank You for the Music (I Sing The Songs)
1981 Singing to the World
1984 Vera Lynn Remembers
Vuosi Nimi Britannian listasijoitus Lähde
1981 20 Family Favourites 25 [1]
1989 We'll Meet Again 44
2009 We’ll Meet Again – The Very Best of Vera Lynn 1
2010 Unforgettable 61
  1. Vera Lynn UK album Charts Charts. Arkistoitu Viitattu 3.11.2012. (englanniksi)