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We’ll Meet Again – The Very Best of Vera Lynn

We’ll Meet Again – The Very Best of Vera Lynn
Vera Lynn
Kokoelmalevyn We’ll Meet Again – The Very Best of Vera Lynn kansikuva
Kokoelmalevyn tiedot
 Äänitetty  1936–1959
 Julkaistu 25. elokuuta 2009
 Tyylilaji perinteinen pop
 Kesto 58.19
 Levy-yhtiö Decca
Vera Lynnin muut julkaisut
We’ll Meet Again
We’ll Meet Again – The Very Best of Vera Lynn

We’ll Meet Again – The Very Best of Vera Lynn on britannialaisen laulajan Vera Lynnin kokoelma-albumi vuodelta 2009. Levyn kappaleet on äänitetty vuosien 1936 ja 1959 välisenä aikana[1].

  1. "(There'll Be Bluebirds Over) The White Cliffs of Dover" - 3.18 (Walter Kent, Nat Burton)
  2. "Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart" - 2.36 (Eberhard Storch, John Turner, Geoffrey Parsons)
  3. "We'll Meet Again" - 3.01 (Ross Parker, Hughie Charles)
  4. "Travellin' Home" - 3.06 (Traditional arrangement Dix, Masters)
  5. "As Time Goes By" - 3.00 (Herman Hupfeld)
  6. "Dream" - 2.41 (Johnny Mercer)
  7. "Faraway Places" - 2.41 (Joan Whitney, Alex Kramer)
  8. "Harbour Lights" - 3.07 (Will Grosz, Jimmy Kennedy)
  9. "It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow" - 3.13 (Irving Berlin)
  10. "If You Love Me (Really Love Me)" - 2.59 (Edith Piaf, Marguerite Monnot, Geoffrey Parsons)
  11. "When You Hear Big Ben" - 2.31 (Harry Leon, Mark Malloy, Jack Scott)
  12. "Yours" - 3.11 (Gonzalo Roig, Albert Gamse, Jack Sherr)
  13. "The Loveliest Night of the Year" - 1.12 (Juventino Rosas, Irving Aaronson, Paul Francis Webster)
  14. "Wish Me Luck as You Wave Me Goodbye" - 3.15 (Harry Parr-Davies)
  15. "Half as Much - Isle of Innisfree - You Belong to Me" - 3.04 (Williams) (Farrelly) (King, Stewart, Price)
  16. "Up the Wooden Hill to Bedfordshire" - 3.05 (Grey, Connelly)
  17. "When I Grow Too Old to Dream" - 2.45 (Sigmund Romberg, Oscar Hammerstein II)
  18. "Somewhere Along the Way - Here in My Heart - Let the Rest of the World Go By" - 3.31 (Adams, Gallop)(Bonnelli, Levinson, Genaro)(Ball, Brennan)
  19. "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" - 3.29 (James Kendis, James Brockman, Nat Vincent)
  20. "From the Time You Say Goodbye (The Parting Song)" - 2.27 (Leslie Sturdy)
  1. “We’ll Meet Again: The Very Best of Vera Lynn” CD Review Viitattu 2.5.2012

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