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Samuel Clarke

Samuel Clarke

Samuel Clarke (11. lokakuuta 167517. toukokuuta 1729) oli englantilainen filosofi. Hän vaikutti teologian, matematiikan, metafysiikan ja filologian aloilla.

  • Three Practical Essays on Baptism, Confirmation and Repentance (1699)
  • Some Reflections on that part of a book called Amyntor, or a Defence of Milton's Life, which relates to the Writings of the Primitive Fathers, and the Canon of the New Testament (1699)
  • A Paraphrase upon the Gospel of St Matthew (1701)
  • Paraphrases upon the Gospels of St Mark and St Luke (1702)
  • Being and Attributes of God (1704)
  • Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion (1705)
  • A Discourse concerning the Being and Attributes of God, the Obligations of Natural Religion, and the Truth and Certainly of the Christian Revelation
  • Caesar's Commentaries (1712)
  • The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity (1712)
  • "A Letter from Dr Clarke to Benjamin Hoadly, F.R.S., occasioned by the controversy relating to the Proportion of Velocity and Force in Bodies in Motion", julkaistu teoksessa Philosophical Transactions (1728)
  • An Exposition of the Church Catechism (julkaistu postuumisti, 1729)
  • Kokoelma saarnoja, 10 osaa (julkaistu postuumisti, 1729)

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