Wikipedia:Uutiskirjeet/Arkisto 31
Tämä sivu on arkisto. Älä muokkaa tätä sivua. Luettelo kaikista arkistoista löytyy hakemistosta. |
Wikimedia-yhteisön uusimmat tech-uutiset. Toivomme sinun jakavan tietoa näistä muutoksista yhteisössäsi. Uutiset on käännetty toisille kielille.
Tuoreet muutokset
- Voit nyt käyttää Google-kääntäjää content translation -työkalussa. [1][2]
- Voit nyt lisätä kuvatekstejä Commonsin tiedostoihin. Kuvatekstit ovat lyhyitä kuvauksia tiedostosta. Ne voi kääntää kaikille käyttämillemme kielille. Wikiteksti-merkintäkieltä niissä ei voi käyttää.
- Earlier a quoted HTML attribute had to be followed by a space. Now it doesn't. This means that some pages could look different when you save them even if you didn't edit that part of the text. [3][4]
- Templates with <templatestyles> could not show the difference between the live template and the sandbox version when they were tested. This has now been fixed. <templatestyles> has a new
parameter now. You can use it for selectors <wrapper parameter value> <selector from CSS page>
. [5]
- Joissakin tuoreissa muutoksissa tai sivun historioissa näkyvissä muokkauksissa on merkkauksia. Jotkut merkkaukset lisätään automaattisesti, ja niitä voi lisätä myös manuaalisesti. Manuaalisesti lisättyjä merkkauksia voi muokata. Tämä ei toiminut hetkeen, mutta on nyt korjattu. [6]
Muutokset myöhemmin tällä viikolla
- Voit siirtää tiedostot wikistäsi Wikimedia Commonsiin ja säilyttää tiedostohistorian uuden FileExporter-laajennoksen avulla. Se on beta-ominaisuutena kaikissa wikeissä 16. tammikuuta alkaen. Jos haluat kokeilla sitä, voit aktivoida sen ja tarkistaa wikisi asetustiedoston.
- Users who could cause more damage to the wikis if someone took over their account have to have more secure passwords. This includes administrators and other user groups. They can't use passwords that are in a list of common passwords. Accounts with common passwords are easy to take over. The list of common passwords was made longer a few weeks ago and has a different error message. Some user groups have been added to those who can't use common passwords. This is to protect all accounts with user rights that could cause damage. [7]
- Väärinkäyttösuodattimen muuttuja
on poistettu. Se vanheni vuonna 2016, eikä sitä voi enää käyttää. Voit korjata suodattimet, jotka käyttävät sitä. Voit löytää muuttujaa käyttävät suodattimet sivun Special:AbuseFilter haun kautta. - MediaWikin uusi versio otetaan käyttöön testiwikeissä ja MediaWiki.orgissa 15. tammikuuta. Se otetaan käyttöön kaikissa ei-Wikipedia-wikeissä ja joissakin Wikipedioissa 16. tammikuuta. Se on käytössä kaikissa wikeissä 17. tammikuuta (kalenteri).
- Voit osallistua teknisen neuvonnan tapaamiseen IRC:ssä. Tapaamisen aikana vapaaehtoiset kehittäjät voivat kysyä neuvoa. Tapaaminen on 16. tammikuuta klo 16.00 (UTC). Katso miten voit liittyä.
Tulevia muutoksia
- Tulevaisuudessa käyttäjiä voidaan estää muokkaamasta sivua tai nimiavaruutta. "Eston" määritelmä tulee muuttumaan. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että sinun täytyy mahdollisesti päivittää ylläpitämäsi työkalut, jotka käsittelevät estoja. [8]
Tech-uutiset on tech-uutisten kirjoittajien kokoama ja sen välittää MediaWikin viestinvälitys • Osallistu • Käännä • Kysy apua • Anna palautetta • Tilaa tai peru tilaus.
Wikidata weekly summary #348
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]- Events
- Past: Workshop on Data Quality Management in Wikidata, 18 January, Berlin. You can check the collaborative documentation
- Upcoming: free software workshop (including Wikidata) in Lyon, France, January 23rd
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in Côte d'Ivoire, February 9th
- Upcoming: Library data camp, a training for librairies about open data and Wikidata, Manchester, UK, March 11th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: WordLift ID, official color, member category, located at street address, charter URL, works in collection
- External identifiers: Crew united title ID, Genius album numeric ID, Genius song numeric ID, Litchfield Ledger ID, Microsoft Academic ID, Bahamut Gamer's Community ACG Database, Bunkacho Media Art Database (Development Version): Animation Database, Bunkacho Media Art Database (Development Version): Comic Database, REDIZO, Archives of Maryland Biographical Series ID, Interpol WOA artwork ID, Online Catalog of Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal ID, MAMVP artwork ID, Psyl'list species ID, VectorBase taxonomy ID, iTunes TV season ID, Hungarian public thesaurus ID, TV Spielfilm film ID, Viperson ID, Krugosvet article, person ID, RBU person ID, person ID, ID, Educational Institution Identification Number, U-DISE code, AISHE code
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: inverse label, tussenvoegsel, Linked to profession, chassis, Swedish Organization Number, COOL species ID, Trading name, funk channel ID, personal pronoun
- External identifiers: ID, Gault et Millau ID, ID, Swiss Films, Dizionario di Storia Treccani ID, Romanian Soccer player ID, athlete ID, iTunes movie ID, iTunes book ID, ID, Smarthistory ID, World Cube Association ID, CORE (Connecting Repositories) ID, GEOFON earthquake ID, player ID, coach ID, Homosaurus identifier, DIZIE ID, identificador Gran Enciclopèdia de la Música
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Data Quality
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixed a small bug that we introduced with editing badges on (phab:T213998)
- Finished collecting data about the user of the termbox (phab:T211015)
- Fixed an i18n message (phab:T206416)
- Created some maintenance scripts for creating and approving oauth consumers (phab:T211568)
- Checked for possible data coruptions due to an issue with change tags (phab:T213281)
- Fixed an issue with restoring merge revisions in Lexeme (phab:T204041)
- Configured WikibaseQualityConstraints on test.wikidata (phab:T209922)
- Turned on the new entity id formatting for properties (phab:T201838)
- Continued work on glosses, displaying the language name also in edit mode (phab:T209931)
- Starting investigating on Shape Expressions
- Mobile termbox: showing language, description and aliases (phab:T207150)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikimedia-yhteisön uusimmat tech-uutiset. Toivomme sinun jakavan tietoa näistä muutoksista yhteisössäsi. Uutiset on käännetty toisille kielille.
- Jotkut käyttäjät eivät saaneet viime viikon Tech-uutisia MassMessagen ongelman vuoksi. Jos et saanut viime viikon uutiskirjettä, voit lukea sen Metassa. [9]
Tuoreet muutokset
- The content translation tool can now use version 2 as the default version for users who turned on the beta feature. For example it adds the tracking category
Sivut, joissa on tarkistamattomia käännöksiä
to translations that might have used machine translations without fixing the problems. This is so others can find them. You can find this category inSpecial:TrackingCategories
on Wikipedias. - voi nyt muuntaa jopa 800 sivun kokoelmat PDF-, EPUB-, tai ODT-tiedostoiksi. Aiemmin raja oli 200 sivua.
- When a template was edited with the visual editor, it would sometimes put all information on one line. This makes it difficult to read for editors who use the wikitext editor. It also makes it more difficult to see what happened in a diff. This problem affected edits made between 8 and 17 January and is now fixed. [10]
- MassMessage-työkalua käytetään viestin lähettämiseen usealle sivulle. Se ei ole toiminut luotettavasti. Joitakin viestejä ei ole lähetetty kaikille. [11][12]
- Tietokantaongelma täytyi korjata välittömästi 17. tammikuuta, jona aikana ei pystynyt muokkaamaan suurimmassa osassa wikejä muutaman minuutin ajan. Tämä on nyt korjattu. [13]
Muutokset myöhemmin tällä viikolla
- Voit käyttää mallinetyylejä
-nimiavaruudessa. [14] - MediaWikin uusi versio otetaan käyttöön testiwikeissä ja MediaWiki.orgissa 22. tammikuuta. Se otetaan käyttöön kaikissa ei-Wikipedia-wikeissä ja joissakin Wikipedioissa 23. tammikuuta. Se on käytössä kaikissa wikeissä 24. tammikuuta (kalenteri).
- Voit osallistua teknisen neuvonnan tapaamiseen IRC:ssä. Tapaamisen aikana vapaaehtoiset kehittäjät voivat kysyä neuvoa. Tapaaminen on 23. tammikuuta klo 16.00 (UTC). Katso miten voit liittyä.
Tech-uutiset on tech-uutisten kirjoittajien kokoama ja sen välittää MediaWikin viestinvälitys • Osallistu • Käännä • Kysy apua • Anna palautetta • Tilaa tai peru tilaus.
Wikidata weekly summary #349
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]- Discussions
- Open requests for adminship: Deror avi, Wildly boy
- Events
- February 19th: Wikidata meetup in London - Facebook event
- Incoming: Wikidata Lab XII in São Paulo, Brazil, February 14th.
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Making Wikidata visible, by Martin Poulter on Bodleian Digital Library's blog
- How to query Wikidata using R, by Envel Le Hir
- Inventory of the Cleveland Museum of Art images, by Magnus Manske
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- There is now a tool to validate mappings between Wikidata and external RDF vocabularies done with the properties equivalent property and equivalent class.
- Topic matcher, a tool to help you adding a "main topic" or "depicts" statement to items about streets, articles, painting, etc.
- Editing Wikidata - Swedish Cuisine by JanAinali on Twitch
- City-Country-Shapes visualization based on Wikidata: how many of a country's largest cities do you need to put on a map to be able to recognise the country?
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: ELNET ID, iTunes book ID, iTunes movie ID, Romanian Soccer player ID, Skimap ID, athlete ID, Gault et Millau ID, ID, Dizionario di Storia Treccani ID, Smarthistory ID, ID, World Cube Association ID, COOL species ID, CORE ID, coach ID, player ID, Gran Enciclopèdia de la Música ID, JORFSearch organization ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: journal series, has alt-text, has lyrics, day of regular release, CBFC rating, full work on commons
- External identifiers: article ID, person ID, NMSRCP reference number, AKB48 member ID, TV Spielfilm Series ID, MCULE ID, Global Species ID, Georgian National Filmography ID, Bureau van Dijk Orbis company ID, Bureau van Dijk Orbis person ID, Musicbrainz Event ID, ManualsLib brand ID, LGD local body code, Hymnary hymnal ID, Hymnary tune ID, Hymnary instance ID, Getty Images ID, Amsterdam code
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Protected areas in Germany
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Started development on Shape Expressions
- Termbox: show an expanded-by-default section for the user's preferred languages (phab:T211865)
- Provide visualization LUA usage on a dashboard (phab:T211768)
- Fixed issues with sense ID wrapping (phab:T210502)
- Background work to support the deployment of the next pieces for Structured Data on Commons
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikimedia-yhteisön uusimmat tech-uutiset. Toivomme sinun jakavan tietoa näistä muutoksista yhteisössäsi. Uutiset on käännetty toisille kielille.
Tuoreet muutokset
- Wikimedia-palvelimet käyttävät HHVM:ää PHP-koodin suorittamiseen. Palvelimet siirtyvät käyttämään PHP7:aa ja lopettavat HHVM:n käyttämisen. Voit kokeilla PHP7:aa uutena betatoimintona. Tällä tavoin voit löytää ja ilmoittaa ongelmista.
- When someone moves a page to a name that already exists that page that had the name the article is moved to is deleted. For a couple of months this didn't always work. Some users saw an error message instead. This has now been fixed. [15]
Muutokset myöhemmin tällä viikolla
- Tällä viikolla ei päivitetä uutta MediaWiki-versiota.
- Voit osallistua teknisen neuvonnan tapaamiseen IRC:ssä. Tapaamisen aikana vapaaehtoiset kehittäjät voivat kysyä neuvoa. Tapaaminen on 30. tammikuuta klo 16.00 (UTC). Katso miten voit liittyä.
Tech-uutiset on tech-uutisten kirjoittajien kokoama ja sen välittää MediaWikin viestinvälitys • Osallistu • Käännä • Kysy apua • Anna palautetta • Tilaa tai peru tilaus.
This Month in Education: January 2019
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]The Signpost: 31 January 2019
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]- Op-ed: Random Rewards Rejected
- News and notes: WMF staff turntable continues to spin; Endowment gets more cash; RfA continues to be a pit of steely knives
- Discussion report: The future of the reference desk
- Featured content: Don't miss your great opportunity
- Arbitration report: An admin under the microscope
- Traffic report: Death, royals and superheroes
- Technology report: When broken is easily fixed
- News from the WMF: News from WMF
- Recent research: Ad revenue from reused Wikipedia articles; are Wikipedia researchers asking the right questions?
- Essay: How
- Humour: Village pump
- From the archives: An editorial board that includes you
Wikimedia-yhteisön uusimmat tech-uutiset. Toivomme sinun jakavan tietoa näistä muutoksista yhteisössäsi. Uutiset on käännetty toisille kielille.
Muutokset myöhemmin tällä viikolla
- Sivulla Special:Preferences saattoi vahingossa poistaa valinnan laatikosta. Tämä on nyt korjattu. [16]
- MediaWikin uusi versio otetaan käyttöön testiwikeissä ja MediaWiki.orgissa 5. helmikuuta. Se otetaan käyttöön kaikissa ei-Wikipedia-wikeissä ja joissakin Wikipedioissa 6. helmikuuta. Se on käytössä kaikissa wikeissä 7. helmikuuta (kalenteri).
- Voit osallistua teknisen neuvonnan tapaamiseen IRC:ssä. Tapaamisen aikana vapaaehtoiset kehittäjät voivat kysyä neuvoa. Tapaaminen on 6. helmikuuta klo 16.00 (UTC). Katso miten voit liittyä.
Tech-uutiset on tech-uutisten kirjoittajien kokoama ja sen välittää MediaWikin viestinvälitys • Osallistu • Käännä • Kysy apua • Anna palautetta • Tilaa tai peru tilaus.
Wikidata weekly summary #350
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]- Press, articles, blog posts
- „Eisberg voraus!“ – Sächsische Landeskunde mit SXRM, Wikisource und Wikidata by Jens Bemme (in German)
- Linking the OLAC Video Game Vocabulary with Wikidata by Tracy Hoffmann and Peter Chan
- Adam blogged about how to update an existing Wikibase docker instance
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Got some time? SpeedPatrolling, a tool to simplify patrolling of recent changes on Wikidata (documentation), has been announced and you can use it to help fight vandalism.
- Got some time? Match some streets and the humans they are named after.
- Got some time? Help link OpenStreetMap and Wikidata Items with the new OSM <-> Wikidata matcher.
- Wikidata Query Service now has over 7 billion triples.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: affiliation string, RightsStatement status according to source website, trading name, Alexander–Briggs notation
- External identifiers: DIZIE ID, person ID, article ID, Homosaurus ID, funk channel ID, GEOFON earthquake ID, Georgian National Filmography ID, person ID, ManualsLib brand ID, MusicBrainz event ID, LGD local body code, HAER ID, Hymnary hymnal ID, Hymnary instance ID, Hymnary tune ID, Global Species ID, Amsterdam code
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: does not have quality (2), Den Digitale Byport-ID, expression of, calendar feed url, Total goals in career, Strepsiptera database species ID, Brentidae of the world species ID, Illustrated catalog of Tessaratomidae species ID, WBCHSE code
- External identifiers: Douban Book ID, Douban Musician ID, Douban Author ID, Douban Music ID, Douban Drama ID, Douban Game ID, Douban Read Author ID, Douban Read eBook ID, Douban Site Name, Douban Username, Zhihu username, Bilibili user ID, QQ number, Bilibili video ID, Bilibili bangumi ID, Bilibili tag ID, Mtime movie ID, Mtime people ID, Dictionary of Anhui Writers ID, Fuzhou Architecture Heritage ID, Eventa Servo ID, Rocks Backpages author ID, Rocks Backpages artist ID, Rocks Backpages publication ID, Hulu movie ID, Hulu series ID, Democracy Club ID, ISA ID, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Schutzgebiete-ID, DALFAN ID, GameFAQs franchise ID, CABB player ID, castingvideos ID, Bildarchiv, Herder-Institut, IEEEXplore document ID, IEEEXplore author ID, Antarctica NZ Digital Asset Manager, Pacific Coast Architecture Database building ID, Twitter user ID, Australian Antarctic Data Center, Enciclopedia delle donne ID
- Deleted properties: P1112 (Pokédex number)
- Query examples:
- Common topics of publications by people affiliated with a given organization
- World __ days and other awareness days in calendar order (Source)
- timeline of writing systems (source)
- family tree of Donald Duck (source)
- Common long words in titles of scholarly articles (source)
- schools of magic by number of students (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Making progress towards first showable version of basic Shape Expression support
- Layout polishing for the mobile termbox (the box that shows labels, desctiptions and aliases) and continuing work on the "in more languages" and "all entered languages" sections in it
- Added tracking for the number of Senses and Forms to our graph for tracking the number of Items, Properties and Lexemes
- Worked more on making it easier to set up Quickstatements in other Wikibase instances
- Preventing an entity to redirect to itself (phabricator:T214919)
- Working on making Federation (reusing Wikidata's Items and Properties to make statements) work for Wikimedia Commons to get the rollout of the next stage (support for depicts statements) unstuck
- Fixed an issue with adding sitelinks from Commons (phabricator:T213975)
- Fixing Cognate support for yue Wiktionary (phabricator:T214400)
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in GLAM: January 2019
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Wikimedia-yhteisön uusimmat tech-uutiset. Toivomme sinun jakavan tietoa näistä muutoksista yhteisössäsi. Uutiset on käännetty toisille kielille.
Tuoreet muutokset
- Voit käyttää css-luokkaa
, jotta mobiililukijat näkevät sivun ongelmat. Luokkaaambox
käyttäessäsi voit käyttää myös muita luokkia.
Muutokset myöhemmin tällä viikolla
- MediaWikin uusi versio otetaan käyttöön testiwikeissä ja MediaWiki.orgissa 12. helmikuuta. Se otetaan käyttöön kaikissa ei-Wikipedia-wikeissä ja joissakin Wikipedioissa 13. helmikuuta. Se on käytössä kaikissa wikeissä 14. helmikuuta (kalenteri).
- Voit osallistua teknisen neuvonnan tapaamiseen IRC:ssä. Tapaamisen aikana vapaaehtoiset kehittäjät voivat kysyä neuvoa. Tapaaminen on 13. helmikuuta klo 16.00 (UTC). Katso miten voit liittyä.
Tech-uutiset on tech-uutisten kirjoittajien kokoama ja sen välittää MediaWikin viestinvälitys • Osallistu • Käännä • Kysy apua • Anna palautetta • Tilaa tai peru tilaus.
Wikidata weekly summary #351
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]- Events
- Past: Linking OpenStreetMap and Wikidata at FOSDEM
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: day of regular release, Euler characteristic, has lyrics, maintenance method, CBFC rating, does not have quality
- External identifiers: Code of Natura 2000/FFH habitat, Douban Author ID, Douban Book ID, Douban Drama ID, Douban Game ID, Douban Music ID, Douban Musician ID, Douban Read Author ID, Douban Read eBook ID, Douban Site Name, Douban Username, Zhihu username, Bilibili bangumi ID, Bilibili tag ID, Bilibili username, Bilibili video ID, Eventa Servo ID, Mtime movie ID, QQ number, Swedish Organization Number, Rock's Backpages artist ID, Rock's Backpages author ID, Rock's Backpages publication ID, Mtime people ID, Democracy Club ID, Hulu movie ID, Hulu series ID, ISA ID, Fuzhou Architecture Heritage ID, DALFAN ID, Den Digitale Byport ID, GameFAQs franchise ID, NMSRCP reference number, Swiss Films ID, CABB player ID, castingvideos ID, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern protected area ID, IEEEXplore author ID, IEEEXplore document ID, Strepsiptera database species ID, Image Archive, Herder-Institut, WBCHSE code, Antarctica NZ Digital Asset Manager, Brentidae of the world species ID, Pacific Coast Architecture Database building ID, Illustrated catalog of Tessaratomidae species ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: creator name string, Literate population, Illiterate population, designated survivor, stall speed, maintain, Insects (Insecta) of the World ID, solar eclipse type, student organization of
- External identifiers: BibliotecaVirtualAndalucia authority ID, BIDICAM authority ID, BVPH authority ID, CCBAE ID, identifiant sur l'annuaire du service public, Joan Miró Online Image Bank ID, ISTC No., KSI player ID, Board Game Atlas ID, LSE article ID, JWF Wrestlers Database, Georgian National Filmography ID for Persons, Eliseu Visconti Project ID, Indian census area code (1991), AICTE Permanent ID, German School ID, DOGC ID, DoBIH Number
- Query examples:
- Counts of Indian films directed and written by the same person, sorted by film language (source)
- Sovereign states that have more than one capital city (source)
- Decreases in sex ratio for mandals of West Godavari district between 2001 and 2011 (source)
- Counts of articles published in different Indian medical journals, sorted by year/journal (source)
- Forms to Lexeme ratio per language (source)
- Airports and railway stations named after fictional people or works of fiction (source)
- Species of hummingbirds, their genus, and image (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Working on the "in more languages" and "all entered languages" parts of the termbox on mobile
- Working on making undo, revert, edit summaries and more work for Shape Expressions
- Fixed an error when detecting the same label and description in another Item (phabricator:T194770, thanks Matěj)
- Making Lemma input on Lexeme pages save your input when you press enter (phabricator:T206140)
- Making QuickStatements work more easily for other Docker-powered Wikibase instances (phabricator:T205606)
- Worked more on making Federation work for making Statements on Wikimedia Commons (phabricator:T214557)
- Working on stripping whitespaces at the beginning and end of Glosses when saving them (phabricator:T212019)
- Looking into adding more signals to ORES' vandalism detection model so we can detect bad edits more accurately (phabricator:T194737)
- Preventing a redirect of an Entity onto itself (phabricator:T214775)
- Fixed an issue with adding sitelinks from Wikimedia Commons (phabricator:T213975)
- Unified the separators between language and lexical category in different places (phabricator:T201808)
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #352
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: NewDataB
- New request for comments: semi-protection to prevent vandalism on most used Items, Allow for Wikidata items to be created that only link to a single Wikimedia Commons category (Wikidata notability discussion)
- Events
- February 19th: Wikidata meetup in London - Facebook event
- February 21st to 24th: International Mother Language Day edit-a-thon
- February 23rd: editathon about Parliament of Ghana in Accra - Registration
- March 28th: GLAM & Wikidata day in Switzerland (registration running until March 18th)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Got some time? Add QIDs to the tools on Edit items, Query data, Enhance user interface, Visualize data, Lexicographical data, For programmers and List of properties. If some tools don't have their own Items, feel free to create them.
- Hardware issues at Toolforge and CloudVPS affect lots of tools and coincide with changes in the statement stats dynamics
- WikibaseCirrusSearch will become a Mediawiki extension
- You can still help Shani Evenstein with her research: Wikidata as a Learning Platform
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: drag coefficient, illiterate population, literate population, non-free artwork image URL, taxon author citation, total goals in career, stall speed
- External identifiers: Enciclopedia delle donne ID, Joan Miró Online Image Bank ID, BIDICAM authority ID, Board Game Atlas ID, BVPH authority ID, CCBAE publication ID, ISTC No., KSI player ID, Biblioteca Virtual Andalucía authority ID, Georgian National Filmography ID for Persons, JWF Wrestlers Database person ID, Indian census area code (1991), Lithuanian Sport Encyclopedia (LSE) article ID, Eliseu Visconti Project ID, UN/CEFACT common code
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: ScaleNet ID, Lokalhistoriewiki article, Identifiant, approach angle, departure angle, ride height, type of front suspensions, type of rear suspensions, Football Money League rank, is model of, constraint clarification, has phenotype, observed in, replacement property, evidenční číslo domu, Stack Exchange site
- External identifiers: WhoSampled artist, äriregister, ISO 639-3 Change Request ID, Queerly Represent Me identifier, V.League player ID, Martindale-Hubbell profile, Google Play Movies & TV id, Fondation Maeght ID, identifiant d'un jeu de données sur, BHL part ID, ETS Designated Institution code, Gateway to Research Project ID, Yandex.Music label ID, Yandex.Music genre ID
- Query examples:
- Bubble chart of Indian universities with the most people ever employed by them (source)
- Graph of shared borders between certain West Bengal community development blocks (source)
- Tree map of ambassadors to India (source)
- Fictional swords (source)
- Taxa named after women scientists (source)
- Timeline of red pandas (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Improve the tools dropdown on, which now links Tools categories and the Toolforge (phabricator:T214577)
- Implement the diff view for Schemas (phabricator:T214396, phabricator:T215514)
- Implement undo for Schemas (phabricator:T214914)
- Prevent redirecting an entity to itself (phabricator:T214775)
- Make pressing enter when editing a lemma save the lemma (phabricator:T206140)
- Strip whitespace around sense glosses (phabricator:T212019)
- Create LilyPond datatype (phabricator:T215284)
- More work to get the new version of the termbox readable on mobile
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikimedia-yhteisön uusimmat tech-uutiset. Toivomme sinun jakavan tietoa näistä muutoksista yhteisössäsi. Uutiset on käännetty toisille kielille.
Tuoreet muutokset
- Kiittäessäsi käyttäjää mobiilisivustolla, voit kahden sekunnin ajan peruuttaa kiitoksen. Tämä toiminto on lisätty vahinkopainallusten vuoksi. [17]
Muutokset myöhemmin tällä viikolla
- MediaWikin uusi versio otetaan käyttöön testiwikeissä ja MediaWiki.orgissa 19. helmikuuta. Se otetaan käyttöön kaikissa ei-Wikipedia-wikeissä ja joissakin Wikipedioissa 20. helmikuuta. Se on käytössä kaikissa wikeissä 21. helmikuuta (kalenteri).
- Voit osallistua teknisen neuvonnan tapaamiseen IRC:ssä. Tapaamisen aikana vapaaehtoiset kehittäjät voivat kysyä neuvoa. Tapaaminen on 20. helmikuuta klo 16.00 (UTC). Katso miten voit liittyä.
Tulevia muutoksia
- There is a proposal to add a red link to mobile search results if there is no page with that name. This is how it works on desktop. You can leave feedback. [18]
Tech-uutiset on tech-uutisten kirjoittajien kokoama ja sen välittää MediaWikin viestinvälitys • Osallistu • Käännä • Kysy apua • Anna palautetta • Tilaa tai peru tilaus.
Wikidata weekly summary #353
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]- Discussions
- New request for comments: Talk pages consultation 2019 (feel free to add more sub-sections)
- Events
- Past: Wikidata hackathon in Ulm with Open Knowledge Foundation. Video of the presentation of the projects (in German)
- Running until March 2nd: International Mother Language Day edit-a-thon
- Upcoming: Wikidata and the Diversity of Knowledge workshop in Graz, Austria, on March 3rd
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Berlin, March 12th
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Paris, March 15th
- Upcoming: Wikidata & Wikipedia workshop in Aberdeen, Scotland, on March 19th
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Inside the Alexa-Friendly World of Wikidata, by Tom Simonite on Wired
- Align BNF's video games and Wikidata with Dataiku DSS (in French) by Envel Le Hir
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- If you're using Wikidata's data dumps, you may want to give feedback on a potential change about when those dumps are generated (ticket)
- Some games and tools developed during the Wikidata hackathon in Ulm:
- Card game generator
- Multiplayer game Guess the (German) Politician
- Telegram bot @WikidataMisfitBot, sending pictures with one wrong label
- WikiProjekt
- If you're developing new tools or hear about new tools, please add them to Wikidata:Tools so other people can find them :)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: expression of, provisional house number in the Czech Republic, has role in modeling, observed in, has phenotype, type of front suspension, type of rear suspension
- External identifiers: AICTE Permanent ID, DOGC ID, DoBIH Number, ScaleNet ID, WhoSampled artist ID, Business Registry code (Estonia), ISO 639-3 Change Request ID, Lokalhistoriewiki article, Crew united person ID, Fondation Maeght artist ID, dataset ID, V.League men's player ID, V.League women's player ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Total assists in career, Total points in career, Career plus-minus rating, Penalty minutes in career, Total power play goals in career, Total power play assists in career, Total shots in career, MeSH Descriptor, Former street name
- External identifiers: NZ On Screen person ID, NZ On Screen work ID, Brazilian Electoral Unit ID, Catálogo de Patrimonio Cultural de Castilla-La Mancha ID, PCAD firm ID, Inventário dos Monumentos RJ ID, SICRIS researcher ID, Physics History Network ID, Sachsen-Anhalt Schutzgebiete-ID, Amis du Louvre ID, Nationation Wrestling Hall of Fame d'un lutteur, Brillant Wiki ID, Official Charts artist ID, Nationation Wrestling Hall of Fame d'une équipe universitaire, ID, SensaCine movie ID, SensaCine series ID, Bilibili channel ID
- Query examples:
- Women having a good or featured article on Russian Wikipedia but no article on French Wikipedia (source)
- Timeline of Renaissance humanists (source)
- Map of cities from the Hanseatic League (source)
- Image gallery of musicians who have a software title named after them (source)
- Frequency of first letter in Breton words in Wikidata (source)
- Items about buildings with coordinates and at least one sitelink, but no image (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Updated some icons with the new WikimediaUI icon set (phab:T209259)
- Fixed an issue that was causing occasional failures when creating new Items (phab:T194299)
- Investigated Wikidata Tours not loading correctly (phab:T215919)
- Adjusted spacing between Sense ID, bar and Gloss (phab:T215502)
- Fixing a long time issue with introducing new data types in production (phab:T216728)
- Fixing docs for backup of wikibase container images (phab:T214941)
- Making undo, rollback and restore work on schema content pages (phab:T214399)
- Improving edit summaries for schema content pages (phab:T213724)
- Tightening up the process for editing "identifying information" for Schemas (phab:T214466)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikimedia-yhteisön uusimmat tech-uutiset. Toivomme sinun jakavan tietoa näistä muutoksista yhteisössäsi. Uutiset on käännetty toisille kielille.
Tuoreet muutokset
- There is a new version of the iOS Wikipedia app. It has for example syntax highlighting and new toolbars to make it easier to write wikitext. It also has night mode, a find-on-page function and other things. You can give feedback and suggestions. [19]
Muutokset myöhemmin tällä viikolla
- When you look at your watchlist or the recent changes page you can use the new filters for edit review. There you can choose tags to filter different edits. Empty tags will no longer be shown. [20]
- MediaWikin uusi versio otetaan käyttöön testiwikeissä ja MediaWiki.orgissa 26. helmikuuta. Se otetaan käyttöön kaikissa ei-Wikipedia-wikeissä ja joissakin Wikipedioissa 27. helmikuuta. Se on käytössä kaikissa wikeissä 28. helmikuuta (kalenteri).
- Voit osallistua teknisen neuvonnan tapaamiseen IRC:ssä. Tapaamisen aikana vapaaehtoiset kehittäjät voivat kysyä neuvoa. Tapaaminen on 27. helmikuuta klo 16.00 (UTC). Katso miten voit liittyä.
Tulevia muutoksia
- The Wikipedia app for Android will invite users to add Wikidata descriptions to Wikidata objects that have Wikipedia articles but no Wikidata descriptions. It will only invite users who have added a number of Wikidata descriptions in the app without being reverted. This is to avoid spam and bad edits. You can read more and leave feedback.
Tech-uutiset on tech-uutisten kirjoittajien kokoama ja sen välittää MediaWikin viestinvälitys • Osallistu • Käännä • Kysy apua • Anna palautetta • Tilaa tai peru tilaus.
This Month in Education: February 2019
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]The Signpost: 28 February 2019
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]- From the editors: Help wanted (still)
- News and notes: Front-page issues for the community
- Discussion report: Talking about talk pages
- Featured content: Conquest, War, Famine, Death, and more!
- Arbitration report: A quiet month for Arbitration Committee
- Traffic report: Binge-watching
- Technology report: Tool labs casters-up
- Gallery: Signed with pride
- From the archives: New group aims to promote Wiki-Love
- Humour: Pesky Pronouns
Wikidata weekly summary #354
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Esteban16
- Closed request for comments: 2018 administrator policy update
- Events
- Upcoming: WikiConNL in Utrecht (Netherlands), on March 8-9th (in Dutch and English)
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Berlin, on March 12th
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Paris, on March 15th
- Upcoming: Wikidata & Wikipedia workshop in Aberdeen, Scotland, on March 19th
- Upcoming: GLAM and Wikidata in National Library, Bern (Switzerland), on March 28th (in German and French).
- Upcoming: Wikidata Workshop for GLAM in Lausanne (Switzerland), on March 29th (in French).
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Matching BnF and Wikidata video games using Dataiku DSS (in English) by Envel Le Hir
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Congratulations to Siobhan Leachman (d:User:Ambrosia10), awarded the "Companion of the Auckland War Memorial Museum" medal for her volunteer work, including contributions to Wikidata: [21].
- You can now try Shape Expressions on a test system
- Creative Commons has a proposal for tool development with Wikidata's copyright metadata for the 2019 edition of Google Summer of Code. Interested student developers are invited to apply.
- Tpt's Wikidata history query service stores and allows querying metadata about Wikidata's edit history
- A new beta version of the Daty Wikidata Editor has been released, check out the changelog. You can also show your endorsement to the project over here.
- Scholarship application phase for Wikimania 2019 is now open until March 15th. The call for track leaders is also open.
- OpenRefine 3.2 beta was released, with a collection of new features and bug fixes, many of which improve the Wikidata integration.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: multi-channel network, Stack Exchange site, total shots in career, total points in career, total assists in career, penalty minutes in career, career plus-minus rating, preferred pronoun
- External identifiers: BHL part ID, Gateway to Research Project ID, Yandex.Music genre ID, Yandex.Music label ID, Catálogo de Patrimonio Cultural de Castilla-La Mancha ID, Inventário dos Monumentos RJ ID, NZ On Screen person ID, NZ On Screen work ID, Pacific Coast Architecture Database firm ID, Physics History Network ID, Twitter user ID, identifier of games on Queerly Represent Me, Brazilian Electoral Unit ID, SICRIS researcher ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Location specifics, Mountain chain, temperature record, stroke order, Höchstes Break, Dutch Instrument Makers ID, Lucerna person ID, Endowment, Guggenheim fellows ID, Downloads page, is a synonym of taxon name
- External identifiers: Académie de Rouen member ID, Sistem Registrasi Nasional Cagar Budaya ID, Musenor ID, ProQuest document ID, Florida Historical Marker List ID, Klexikon-Article-ID, Federal-State Cooperative System ID, identifikátor v Adresáři knihoven a informačních institucí v ČR, Cour des comptes report ID, Directorio Legislativo ID, Deportation Database transport-ID, Art Fund ID, script, National Book Foundation author ID, National Book Foundation book ID, DFD-ID, Mutual Art artist ID, biography ID, Project Drawdown solution ID, Paintings by Salvador Dalí ID, HCA Red List of Endangered Crafts ID, athlete ID, Resident Advisor artist ID, Resident Advisor record label ID, ACA ID
- Query examples:
- Average distance between a French museum and its hosted artists' place of birth (source)
- Persons with a surname that matches the past participle form of a Danish verb (source)
- Town halls of communes bordering Paris (source)
- Literary awards with 0–2 recipients (source)
- Female Howard medical grads before 1900 (source)
- items including the property "preferred pronoun" (source)
- Map of tram service in Ulm (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Added monolingual language code
(Tobelo), thanks User:Mbch331! (T216798, will be deployed next week) - Integrating the termbox with Wikibase (phab:T214679)
- Viewing historic revisions and fetching the termbox data from Special:EntityData (phab:T210615)
- Fixing emoji breaking the termbox (phab:T217244)
- Renamed special pages under Wikibase to avoid confusion with Schemas special pages (phab:T216719)
- Removed unsupported php 7 constant in production, causing a notice and potential undefined behavior ([[phab:T217241
- Investigated wb_term normalization solution (phab:T215902)
- Fix for outdated cached WB datatypes on client-side (phab:T216728 (blocks enabling new datatypes, e.g. phab:T216730))
- Allowing access to wikibase entities from multiple (wikibase) databases (phab:T214557)
- Allowing to return a proper API error on 'wbformatvalue' action (phab:T207479)
- Providing open-graph title and discretion meta-tags for lexemes (phab:T206414)
- Allowing quickstatements to work out-of-the-box in wikibase-quickstatments docker image (phab:T205606)
- Implementing “undo” for Schemass (phab:T214914, making it work via the API (phab:T217250)
- Implementing “restore” for Schemas (phab:T214915)
- Adding created and edited Schemas to the watchlist according to the user’s preferences (phab:T213725)
- Splitting edit parts on Schemas (phab:T215395, phab:T215393, phab:T215392, phab:T215394)
- Improving support for multilingual edit comments in MediaWiki (phab:T215637)
- Added monolingual language code
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!