English: On December 10, 1932, Prajadhipok sat on the throne in the Ananta Samakhom Hall and signed the Constitution of the Kingdom of Siam, Buddhist Era 2475 (1932). The preamble of the constitution described the event as follows:
"May there be virtue. Today is the Thirteenth Day of the Waxing Moon of the First Month of the Year of the Monkey under the Lunar Calendar, being Saturday, the Tenth Day of December under the Solar Calendar, in this 2475th Year of the Buddhist Era.
"Phra Bat Somdet Phra Paraminthra Maha Prajadhipok, etc. [ceremonial name of the King], makes his presence at the Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall amongst the full assembly of the members of the royal household, diplomatic corps, international representatives, members of the House of Representatives and ministers standing below his feet according to their respective ranks.
"He then graciously grants his remarks to be pronounced as follows: His civil and military officers as well as his subjects petitioned him for a constitution in order that a civilised administrative regime would be adopted in this Kingdom of Siam as in all other countries at the present.
"Being of the opinion that the Monarchs under the Great House of Chakri have ascended to the Siamese Throne and taken care of this Nation pursuant to the absolutist regime and the tenfold virtue for a full period of one hundred and fifty years, during which the Siamese People have consecutively enjoyed Their Majesties' various policies of development, and that the Siamese People have now been highly educated to the extent they are able to administer the public affairs to the best of their wisdom and to carefully steer their own Nation forward along the world's most civilised path, His Majesty found expedient to allow his public officers and his subjects to enjoy opportunity to nourish this Siamese State from that point of time onwards. He then granted a provisional constitution of Siam according to their desire on 27 June 1932, by which the House of Representatives and the People's Council were enabled to bring the state business into accordance with the newly changed administrative regime. The House of Representatives was also charged with the preparation of a draft constitution expected to serve as a permanent pillar of the administration. For this purpose, the House of Representatives set up a subcommittee to draw the draft up.
"The subcommittee has fulfilled its duty without trouble and presented the draft constitution to the House of Representatives. Having discussed and voted on the draft, the House of Representatives resolved to forward it to His Majesty and expressed the advice and consent permitting him to enact it as the constitution of the Nation. After a thorough review, he found suitable to assent to the draft.
"Be it commanded by the King's most Excellent Majesty that the Constitution of the Kingdom of Siam be enacted and granted to his subjects, allowing them to enjoy complete independence henceforth.
"May the Constitution of our Kingdom be blessed with excellent vigour, be the source of eternal happiness and dignity of the People, and lead our Siamese Nation to auspicious victory, success and honour of all kinds. May the members of the royal household, the public officers, both civil and military, and the people be united in action and spirit, with a view to upholding and observing this Constitution of the Kingdom of Siam. And May this Constitution everlastingly stay with our Siamese Nation according to His Majesty's will in every respect."
"The Coronation of His Majesty King Prajadhipok, King of Siam." (1925, 25 February – 3 March). The Government Gazette, Special Issue. [Online]. Accessed: February 25, 2012.
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