Tiedosto:Arheologicheski-Sphinx 2.JPG
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KuvausArheologicheski-Sphinx 2.JPG |
Български: Този сфинкс е част от група от пет уникални експоната, намерени в царския некропол на древния град Тамасос на 31 януари 1997 г. по време на консервационни работи на двете кралски гробници. Групата съдържа два големи и два по-малки лъва, както и два сфинкса. Не са намерени на мястото, където са били поставени в Античността, а на малка дълбочина, натрупани един върху друг.
Възможно е да са били поставени от двете страни на входа на дромоса, който е водел до друга царска гробница в Тамасос. Тази хипотеза се потвърждава от факта, че се съобщава за една трета царска гробница, открита в областта, която, обаче е унищожени по време на миналия век, а зидарията и е повторно използвана като строителен материал. Скулптурната група е датирана към 6 век пр.н.е. и се отнася към ІІ кипърски архаичен период. Датирането и съответства на архитектурата на двете кралски гробници и могат да бъдат разглеждани като пример за египетското врияние през този век. Тази скулптурна група вероятно е най-старата, придобита от Археологическия музей в Никозия след Втората световна война.English: This sphinx is a part of five unique exhibits, found in the royal necropolis of ancient Tamassos on January 31th 1997, during conservation work of the two royal tombs. The group consist two oversize lions - one of which is not exhibited as only half was presented - two lions of smaller dimensions and two sphinxes. They were not found in situ, that is in the position where they were originally deposited in antiquity but at a small depth from the surface and almost overlapping one another.
It is possible to assume, on the basis of their apotropaic attitude as well as on the fact that the rare side was left almost totally unworked, that they were placed on either side of the entrance to the dromos that led to another royal tomb at Tamassos. This hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that a third royal tomb was reported to have been found in the area which was, however destroyed during the course of the previous century, its masonry reused as building material. This sculpture, dateable to the 6th century B.C. the Cypro-Archaic II period is exquisite example of the sculpture of the period. The group dating agrees with the architecture and dating of the two royal tombs of Tamassos and they may be regarded as part of the general group of sculptures that exhibit egyptianising influence, a feature which is particularly apparent in the 6th century B.C. Equally rare is the preservation of a number of colours (red, green etc.) on the surface that further confirms the fact that Greek sculptures were painted with vivid colours. They are perhaps the oldest monumental stone sculptures acquired by the Cyprus museum after World War II. |
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Lähde | Oma teos |
Tekijä | Молли |
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7. elokuu 2014
420 563 tavu
1 392 pikseli
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nykyinen | 4. syyskuuta 2014 kello 21.19 | 1 457 × 1 392 (411 KiB) | Молли | User created page with UploadWizard |
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Kameran valmistaja | Panasonic |
Kameran malli | DMC-LS2 |
Valotusaika | 1/8 s (0,125) |
Aukkosuhde | f/2,8 |
Herkkyys (ISO) | 200 |
Luontipäivämäärä | 7. elokuuta 2014 kello 13.19 |
Linssin polttoväli | 5,8 mm |
Suunta | Normaali |
Kuvan resoluutio leveyssuunnassa | 72 dpi |
Kuvan resoluutio korkeussuunnassa | 72 dpi |
Käytetty ohjelmisto | Embettered by PicMonkey. http://www.picmonkey.com |
Viimeksi muokattu | 7. elokuuta 2014 kello 13.19 |
Y:n ja C:n asemointi | Rinnakkaissivuinen |
Valotusohjelma | Perusohjelma |
Exif-versio | 2.2 |
Digitointipäivämäärä | 7. elokuuta 2014 kello 13.19 |
Kunkin komponentin määritelmä |
Kuvan pakkaustapa | 2 |
Valotuksen korjaus | 0 |
Suurin aukko | 3 APEX (f/2,83) |
Mittaustapa | Kuvio |
Valolähde | Tuntematon |
Salama | Salama ei lauennut, salamavalo estetty |
Tuettu Flashpix-versio | 1 |
Väriavaruus | sRGB |
Mittausmenetelmä | Yksisiruinen värikenno |
Tiedostolähde | Digitaalikamera |
Kuvatyyppi | Suoraan valokuvattu kuva |
Muokattu kuvankäsittely | Normaali käsittely |
Valotustapa | Automaattinen valotus |
Valkotasapaino | Automaattinen valkotasapaino |
Digitaalinen suurennoskerroin | 0 |
35 mm:n filmiä vastaava polttoväli | 35 mm |
Kuvan kaappaustapa | Perus |
Kuvasäätö | Matala ylävahvistus |
Kontrasti | Normaali |
Värikylläisyys | Normaali |
Terävyys | Normaali |