Luettelo Sabatonin kappaleista
Tämä on luettelo Sabatonin tekemistä kappaleista.
[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]- All guns blazing (Judas Priest)
- Feuer Frei! (Rammstein)
- For Whom The Bell Tolls (Metallica)
- Für Immer (Warlock)
- In The Army Now (Status Quo)
- Jawbreaker (Judas Priest)
- Out Of Control (Battle Beast)
- Twilight Of The Thunder God (Amon Amarth)
- 1916 (Motörhead)
[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]- 1648 (Carolus Rex)
- 40:1 (The Art of War)
- A Lifetime of War (Carolus Rex)
- A Secret
- Aces in Exile
- Angels Calling (Attero Dominatus)
- Attero Dominatus (Attero Dominatus)
- All guns blazing
- Afraid to shoot strangers
- Attack of the dead men
- Back in Control (Attero Dominatus)
- Birds of War (Fist for Fight)
- Blood of Bannockburn (The Last Stand)
- Burn Your Crosses (Metalizer)
- Burn in hell
- Bismarck
- Carolus Rex (Carolus Rex)
- Cliffs of Gallipoli
- Coat of Arms (Coat of Arms)
- Counterstrike (Primo Victoria)
- Camoflage
- Christmas Truce
- Dead Soldier's Waltz
- Dominium Maris Baltici
- Dreadnought
- Defence of moscow
- En Hjältes Väg (Heroes)
- En Livstid I Krig (Carolus Rex)
- Endless Nights (Metalizer)
- Ett Slag Färgat Rött (Carolus Rex)
- Far From The Fame (Heroes)
- Feuer Frei!
- Firestorm
- For Whom The Bell Tolls (Heroes)
- Für Immer
- Glorious Land
- Gott Mit Uns
- Guten Nacht (Fist for Fight)
- Hail to the King (Metalizer)
- Hearts of Iron (Heroes)
- Hellfighters
- Hellrider (Metalizer)
- Hill 3234
- In the Army Now
- In the Name Of God (Attero Dominatus)
- Inmate 4859 (Heroes)
- Into The Fire
- Introduction
- Jawbreaker (Metalizer)
- Karolinens Bön (Carolus Rex)
- Killing Ground (Carolus Rex)
- Konungens Likfärd (Carolus Rex)
- Laanga Bollar Paa Bengt
- Lady Of The Dark
- Lejonet Från Norden (Carolus Rex)
- Light in the Black (Attero Dominatus)
- Livgardet
- Long Live the King (Carolus Rex)
- Last dying breath
- Man of War (Heroes)
- Masters of The World (Metalizer)
- Metal Crüe (Attero Dominatus)
- Metal Machine (Primo Victoria)
- Metal Medley
- Metal Ripper (Coat of Arms)
- Metalizer (Metalizer)
- Midway (Coat of Arms)
- Night Witches (Heroes)
- Nightchild
- No Bullets Fly (Heroes)
- Nuclear Attack (Attero Dominatus)
- Out of Control
- Panzer Battalion
- Panzerkampf
- Poltava (Carolus Rex)
- Primo Victoria (Primo Victoria)
- Purple Heart (Primo Victoria)
- Race To The Sea
- Reign of Terror
- Resist and Bite (Heroes)
- Rise of Evil (Attero Dominatus)
- Ruina Imperii (Carolus Rex)
- Rorke's drift
- Saboteurs
- Sarajevo
- Screaming Eagles (Coat of Arms)
- Shadows (Metalizer)
- Shotgun
- Smoking Snakes (Heroes)
- Soldier of 3 Armies (Heroes)
- Speeder (Metalizer)
- Stalingrad (Primo Victoria)
- Stormtroopers
- Sun Tzu Says (The Art of War)
- Swedish Pagans
- Soldier Of Heaven
- Sparta
- Shiroyama
- Talvisota (The Art of War)
- The Art of War (The Art of War)
- The Ballad of Bull (Heroes)
- The Beast
- The Carolean's Prayer (Carolus Rex)
- The Final Solution
- The Ghost Division
- The Hammer Has Fallen (Fist for Fight)
- The Lion from the North (Carolus Rex)
- The Lost Battalion (The Last Stand)
- The March to War
- The Nature of Warfare (The Art of War)
- The Price of a Mile (The Art of War)'
- The Unkillable Soldier
- The Valley Of Death
- Thundergods (Metalizer)
- Thunderstorm (Metalizer)
- To Hell and Back (Heroes)
- Twilight of the Thunder God (Carolus Rex)
- The last battle
- The last stand
- The lost battalion
- Unbreakable
- Union (Slopes of St. Benedict)
- Uprising (Coat of Arms)
- Versailles
- We Burn (Attero Dominatus)
- Wehrmacht (Coat of Arms)
- White Death
- Wolfpack (Primo Victoria)
- Winged hussars
[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]- Lyrics Wikia: Songs by Sabaton (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)