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Luettelo Pohjoismaiden suurimmista metropolialueista


Tämä on luettelo Pohjoismaiden suurimmista agglomeraatioista.

Suurimmat metropolialueet

[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Sija Metropolialue Valtio Väkiluku Pinta-ala
(asukas per/km²)
1. Tukholma[1]  Ruotsi 2 205 105[2] 6 526,24[3] 335,94
2. Kööpenhamina[4]  Tanska 1 969 941[5] 3 018,7[6] 652,58
3. Oslo[7]  Norja 1 520 817[8] 8 867,67[9] 171,5
4. Helsinki[10]  Suomi 1 402 017[11] 3 697,5[12] 379,18
5. Göteborg[13]  Ruotsi 973 261[2] 3 694,86[3] 262,25
6. Aarhus  Tanska 851 000 – 1 260 000[5][14][15] 5 727,9 – 9 987[6] 148,05
7. Malmö[1]  Ruotsi 685 428[2] 2 521,92[3] 271,79
8. Bergen[7]  Norja 402 624[16] 2 651,21[9] 151,86
9. Tampere[17]  Suomi 369 123[18] 4 038,04[12] 91,41
10. Vejle
 Tanska 356 712 – 1 260 000[19][20] 3 449,1 – 9 987[6] 103,42
11. Stavanger[7]  Norja 325 692[16] 2 600,31[9] 125,25
12. Turku  Suomi 320 689[18] 2 561,17[12] 125,21
13. Trondheim[7]  Norja 279 515[16] 6 973,88[9] 40,08
14. Reykjavík[21][22]  Islanti 208 710[23] 1 039[24] 200,88
15. Uppsala  Ruotsi 207 317[2] 2 182,8[3] 94,98
16. Aalborg  Tanska 205 809[19] 137,3[6] 180,96
17. Odense  Tanska 195 797[19] 305,6[6] 640,7
18. Oulu  Suomi 193 902[25] 3 031[12] 63,97
19. Linköping  Ruotsi 151 493[2] 1 427,44[3] 106,13
20. Västerås  Ruotsi 143 368[2] 957,89[3] 149,67
21. Örebro  Ruotsi 142 165[2] 1 373,15[3] 103,53
22. Kristiansand [7]  Norja 139 769[26] 1 864,27[9] 74,97
23. Norrköping  Ruotsi 134 947[2] 1 495,05[3] 90,26
24. Jyväskylä  Suomi 134 082[25] 1 171[12] 114,5
25. Helsingborg  Ruotsi 132 989[2] 344,01[3] 391,51
26. Jönköping  Ruotsi 131 847[2] 1 480,36[3] 89,06
27. Umeå  Ruotsi 119 273[2] 2 316,61[3] 51,49
28. Esbjerg  Tanska 115 095[19] 794,5[6] 144,86
29. Borås  Ruotsi 106 866[2] 909,8[3] 117,46
30. Kuopio  Suomi 106 451[25] 2 309,16[12] 46,16
31. Lahti  Suomi 103 352[25] 135,05[12] 765,29
32. Eskilstuna  Ruotsi 100 744[2] 1 250,49[3] 80,56
  1. a b SCB Statistics Sweden - Definition of Metropolitan Areas in Sweden (published in 2005) only available in Swedish
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m SCB Statistics Sweden - Official Population Statistics for Q3-2014 (released on November 10, 2014) only available in Swedish
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m SCB Statistics Sweden - Official Municipality Land Area for 2013 (retrieved on February 24, 2014) only available in Swedish
  4. Danish Nature Agency - Map of Copenhagen Metropolitan Area and its Municipalities
  5. a b Statistics Denmark - Official Population Statistics for Q4-2013 (retrieved on February 22, 2014) (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
  6. a b c d e f Statistics Denmark - Official Municipality Land Area for 20131
  7. a b c d e Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development - Definition of Greater City Regions (published in 2002)
  8. Statistics Norway - Official Population Statistics for Q4-2013 (retrieved on February 22, 2014)
  9. a b c d e The Norwegian Mapping Authority - Official Municipality Land Area for 2014 only available in Norwegian (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
  10. City of Helsinki - Definition of Helsinki Region (published in 2009)
  11. Statistics Finland - Official Population Statistics for Q4-2013 (retrieved on February 22, 2014)
  12. a b c d e f g NLS National Land Survey of Finland - Official Municipality Land Area for 2014 only available in Finnish and Swedish
  13. SCB Statistics Sweden - Definition of Metropolitan Areas in Sweden (published in 2005) only available in Swedish
  14. (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
  16. a b c Statistics Norway - Official Population Statistics for Q4-2013 (retrieved on February 23, 2014)
  17. Tampere City Region - Official Website and Definition of the Region (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
  18. a b Statistics Finland - Official Population Statistics for Q4-2013 (retrieved on February 23, 2014)
  19. a b c d Statistics Denmark - Official Population Statistics for Q4-2013 (retrieved on February 23, 2014) (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
  20. (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
  21. Google Maps - Geographical Definition of Greater Reykjavík Area
  22. Association of Municipalities in the Capital Area (SSH) - Official Definition of Municipalities included in Greater Reykjavík Area (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
  23. Statistics Iceland - Official Population Statistics for Q4-2013 (retrieved on February 24, 2014)
  24. National Land Survey of Iceland - Official Municipality Land Area on January 1, 2011 (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
  25. a b c d Statistics Finland - Official Population Statistics for Q4-2013 (retrieved on February 24, 2014)
  26. Statistics Norway - Official Population Statistics for Q4-2013 (retrieved on February 24, 2014)