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Keskustelu:Shaolin Kungfu

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List of known styles[edit] Arhat's 18 hands (罗汉十八手; luóhàn shíbā shǒu): known as the oldest style. Flood style (洪拳; hóngquán): with the small form (小洪拳; xiǎo hóngquán) known as the son of the styles, and the big form (大洪拳; dà hóngquán) known as the mother of the styles, Explosive style (炮拳; pàoquán): known as the king of the styles, Through-the-Arms style (通臂拳; tōngbìquán), 7-star & Long Guard the Heart and Mind Gate style (七星 & 长护心意门拳; qī xīng & cháng hù xīn yì mén quán), Plum Blossom style (梅花拳; méihuāquán), Facing&Bright Sun style (朝&昭 阳拳; cháo & zhāo yáng quán), Arhat style (罗汉拳; luóhànquán): known as the most representative style, Vajrapani style (金刚拳; jīn'gāngquán), Emperor's Long-range style (太祖长拳; tàizǔ chángquán): known as the most graceful style, Guard the Home, aka Special, style (看家拳; kānjiāquán), Chain Hands and Short-range combat (连手短打; lián shǒu duǎn dǎ), 5 Combinations style (五合拳; wǔhéquán), 6-Match style (六合拳; liùhéquán), Soft style (柔拳; róuquán), Mind (心意拳; xīnyìquán) aka Confusing Path style (迷踪拳; mízōngquán), Imitative styles (象形拳; xiàngxíngquán) (including Dragon, Tiger, Leopard, Eagle, Monkey, Mantis, etc.), Drunken style (醉拳; zuìquán),  –Kommentin jätti (keskustelu) 30. joulukuuta 2016 kello 15.47‎

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