Saisiko jotain keskimääräiset lämpötilat noihin Madridin lämpötiloihin? Niitä varmaan tarvitaan enemmän, kuin ylintä ja alinta keskilämpöä..? –Kommentin jätti (keskustelu – muokkaukset)
Pääkaupungin sijainnista
[muokkaa wikitekstiä]En-wikin artikkelin keskustelusivulta: "The previous capital of Castile, Toledo, was situated on an elevation which made it easily defensible, yet it also made transport of water to the top (where the old palace/castle of the Alcázar is situated) very difficult, as well as it limitated the growth of the city. Madrid was situated on a much gentler ground, which allowed the king to reform and expand the city as he liked; the region posseses outstanding natural resources (there was a high population of game as well, which made it and ideal zone for hunts, the favourite sport of the nobility of the time); it was situated in the geographic centre of the Peninsula, which made the capital more accessible to the various kingdoms of Philip II and much more protected from invading armies than other peripherical cities such as Seville, Barcelona or Lisbon, and it wasn't under the influence of powerful nobles such as the Archbishop of Toledo; nevertheless, Philip II is known to have considered moving the capital to Seville or Lisbon in order to make the management of his American empire easier." Kaupungin ja nimenomaan pääkaupungin sijainnin valitsemisesta historiassa voisi kirjoittaa artikkeliin, koska kaupunki sijaitsee suureksi kaupungiksi europpalaisittain erikoisesti eli ei joen varrella eikä meren rannalla. --Hartz (keskustelu) 29. lokakuuta 2013 kello 07.50 (EET)