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I'm looking for an explanation of the Intercity2 coach types in English. Is anyone here able to translate Intercity#Vaunukaluston sarjatunnukset into English? --Sascha Claus alias 15. syyskuuta 2006 kello 19.28 (UTC)

Litterain selitykset englanniksi - the explanations of the lettering in English

[muokkaa wikitekstiä]

Ed - Double-decked 2nd class car. Amount: 39 cars
Edb - Double-decked business and 2nd class car. Amount: 25 cars
Edfs - Double-decked 2nd class conductor/service car. Amount: 16 cars
Edm - Double-decked sleeping car. Amount: 10 cars (10 cars still to come, total 20 cars)
Eds - Double-decked 2nd class service car. Amount: 12 cars
Ex - Single-decked 2nd class car. Amount: 50 cars
Expt - Single-decked 2nd class car (former 1st class car, converted to 2nd class in summer 2006, no downgrading made). Amount: 18 cars
Rx - Single-decked restaurant car. Amount: 12 cars
Ultrix 6. joulukuuta 2006 kello 00.59 (UTC)

And oh, so the IC2-coaches are only the double-decked ones. Marked with Ed*