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John Farnham & Tom Jones Together in Concert


Vuonna 2005 Tom Jones ja John Farnham esiintyivät yhdessä kymmenessä konsertissa Australian kaupungeissa Perthissä, Sydneyssä, Brisbanessa ja Melbourness. 31.toukokuuta levy ja DVD julkaistiin, DVD saavutti ensimmäisen paikan listoilla ja albumi kolmannen sijan ja myi 3x platinaa.

Tom Jones vuonna 2007.
John Farnham vuonna 2010
  1. "Mama Told Me Not To Come" (Randy Newman) - 3:21
  2. "200 Pounds of Heavenly Joy" (Willie Dixon) - 3:04
  3. "Man of the Hour" (Sean Hosein, Dane DeViller, Steve Kipner) - 4:25
  4. "What Am I Living For" (Art Harris, Fred Jay) - 2:41
  5. "It's Not Unusual" (Gordon Mills, Les Reed) - 2:34
  6. "Burn For You" (Phil Buckle, John Farnham, Ross Fraser) - 4:22
  7. "Playing To Win" (Graeham Goble, John Farnham, David Hirschfelder, Stephen Housden, Spencer Proffer, Wayne Nelson, Steven Prestwich) - 3:06
  8. "My Yiddishe Momme" (Lew Pollack, Jack Yellen) - 2:29
  9. "You're The Voice" (Maggie Ryder, Chris Thompson, Andy Qunta, Keith Reid) - 4:39
  10. "That Driving Beat" (Willie Mitchell) - 3:04
  11. "Hold On, I'm Coming" (Isaac Hayes, David Porter) - 3:17
  12. "Try a Little Tenderness" (Harry M. Woods, James Campbell, Reginald Connelly) - 4:03
  13. "What'd I Say" (Ray Charles) - 4:42
  14. "Sweet Soul Music" (Sam Cooke, Otis Redding, Arthur Conley) - 3:26
  15. "It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n' Roll)" (Malcolm Young, Angus Young, Bon Scott) - 5:34

DVD:n kappaleet

[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä]
  1. "Mama Told Me Not To Come [Live]" (R. Newman) - 3:21
  2. "200 Pounds of Heavenly Joy [Live] (W. Dixon) - 3:04
  3. "Man Of The Hour [Live] (S. Hosein, D. Deviller, S. Kipner) - 4:25
  4. "What Am I Living For [Live] (A. Harris, F. Jay) - 2:41
  5. "It's Not Unusual [Live] (G. Mills, L. Reed) - 2:34
  6. "Burn For You [Live] (P. Buckle, J. Farnham, R. Fraser) - 4:22
  7. "Playing To Win [Live] (G. Goble, J. Farnham, D. Hirschfelder, S. Housden, S. Proffer, W. Nelson, S. Prestwich) - 3:06
  8. "My Yiddishe Momme [Live] (L. Pollack, J. Yellen) - 2:29
  9. "You're The Voice [Live] (M. Ryder, C. Thompson, A. Qunta, K. Reid) - 4:39
  10. "That Driving Beat [Live] (W. Mitchell) - 3:04
  11. "Hold On, I'm Coming [Live] (I. Hayes, D. Porter) - 3:17
  12. "Try A Little Tenderness [Live] (H. Woods, J. Campbell, R. Connelly) - 4:03
  13. "What'd I Say [Live] (R. Charles) - 4:42
  14. "Sweet Soul Music [Live] (S. Cooke, O. Redding, A. Conley) - 3:26
  15. "It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n' Roll) [Live]" (Malcolm Young, Angus Young, Bon Scott) - 5:34