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Electric Blue Peggy Sue and the Revolutionions from Mars

Electric Blue Peggy Sue and the Revolutionions from Mars
Toiminnassa 1986–1996
Kotipaikka Oulu
Laulukieli englanti

Ray Katz, laulu, kitara
Kale, basso
Merja Koistinen, urut
Ismo Autioniemi, kitara
Timppa, rummut (1987–1992)
Jallu Junnilainen, lyömäsoittimet (1990–1995)
Pasi Aikio, rummut (1993–1995)
Jyrki Raatikainen, rummut (1986)


Spirit, 1989–1994
Gaga Goodies, 1987–1988

Electric Blue Peggy Sue and the Revolutionions from Mars oli oululainen rockyhtye. Yhtyeen perustivat Jukka "Kale" Turunen ja nykyään Radiopuhelimissa soittava Esa "Ray Katz" Nissi vuonna 1986. Pitkän nimen vuoksi bändiä kutsuttiin usein nimillä Peggy Sue, EBPSATRFM tai pitkänimiset. Yhtye hajosi 1996. Alun perin Olli Försti oli suunniteltu yhtyeen laulajaksi, mutta tämä kuvio ei toiminut. Hän seisoi kuitenkin yhtyeen ensimmäisillä keikoilla lavalla liikkumatta ja sanoitti yhtyeelle pari kappaletta.

  • You Say You Want A Revolutionion?, (Mini-LP, 1987)
Free John Holmes / Nature blaah / I know who I am / Colonic clubfoot // Enough pressure? / Clean rich and wanted / Speedway / The gun Clint used to use
  • You Tell Me That It's Evolutionion, (Mini-LP, 1987)
Theme / Tough relationships / Ordinary busdrivers / Naked man / Peeping Tom // I'm unbalanced / Swamp song / The man who offered me a deal / Hi-time / Right feel
  • But When You Talk About Destructionion, (Mini-LP, 1988)
Directions for use / Same shit step by step / Ghost plane, black plane / Scene in my mind // Meanest man in Trinidad / Rodeo wedding / I do it all the time / Borderline tango / Pope
  • All In The Family -Live (X-Rated), (Live-LP, 1988)
Tough relationships / All in the family / Swamp song / The man who offered me a deal / Speedway / Ghost plane, black plane / Scene in my mind / I do it all the time / Nature blaah // Naked man II / Free John Holmes / I'm unbalanced / Hi-time / Heavenly father send me a woman / Directions for use / Meanest man in Trinidad / Ordinary busdrivers / Right feel
  • Music for McDonald's, (LP, CD, 1989)
Tomorrow / Death in the family / Heavenly father send me a woman / What the hell was that? / All in the family / What's wrong with this picture? / Naked man II / Mr. Hangover is sitting on my shoulder // Sport / Amazing, incredible and great / Reason to shake / Animal magnetism / The amazing chronicle of Josef's family
  • Normal But Normal, (LP, CD, 1991)
Lefty / Big dipper / Rabbithole restaurant / Psychseeing / Mr. Shit / Pope // Bowels of earth (mukana vain levyn CD-versiolla) / Pusherman / Hunger / Spinning around the moon / The flag / Erotic carcrashes
  • Family Favourites, (CD, 1994)
Storm-o-vik / Harry the carriage / Universal knowledge / Mr. Party's asylum / The fall / Snowflakes / Bullfrog's pay day / Spring in Warszawa / Red light telephone conversation / Autumn / Winter / Sleep well / I know who I am / Finnish lakes
  • All in the Family / What the Hell Was That? (7", 1989)
  • Hunger / Big Dipper (7", 1991)
  • Rabbithole Restaurant / Bowels of Earth / Toasters in Heat (7", 1992)
  • Harry the Carriage / Red Light Telephone Conversation (CDs, 1993)
  • Storm-o-vik / Sleep well (CDs, 1993)

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