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- Akhnaten (opera)
- Juilliard School
- Satyagraha (opera)
- 1000 Airplanes on the Roof
- Hydrogen Jukebox
- "Heroes" (album)
- The Voyage (opera)
- Monsters of Grace
- Berlin Trilogy
- The Photographer
- The Civil Wars: A Tree Is Best Measured When It Is Down
- The Juniper Tree (opera)
- The Making of the Representative for Planet 8 (opera)
- Waiting for the Barbarians (opera)
- Cello Concerto No. 1 (Glass)
- Harpsichord Concerto (Glass)
- User:Decentman12
- History of Lithuanians in Baltimore
- The Art Teacher
- La Belle et la Bête (opera)
- Template:Did you know nominations/La Belle et la Bête (opera)
- Les Enfants terribles (opera)
- User:Sorrow of Sophie/GalleryofBusinessofLife
- File talk:Philip Glass in Florence, Italy - 1993.jpg