Tiedoston ”Tiedosto:Flag of the Governor of Hong Kong (1959–1997).svg” järjestelmänlaajuinen käyttö
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- Chris Patten
- Governor of Hong Kong
- Hercules Robinson, 1st Baron Rosmead
- John Bowring
- George Bowen
- Frederick Lugard, 1st Baron Lugard
- David Wilson, Baron Wilson of Tillyorn
- Henry Pottinger
- Henry Arthur Blake
- Mark Aitchison Young
- Edward Youde
- Geoffry Northcote
- Matthew Nathan
- Edward Stubbs
- David Trench
- George Bonham
- Richard Graves MacDonnell
- John Francis Davis
- Arthur Kennedy (colonial administrator)
- Alexander Grantham
- William Des Vœux
- Cecil Clementi
- Andrew Caldecott
- William Robinson (colonial administrator, born 1836)
- John Pope Hennessy
- Robin Black (colonial administrator)
- Francis Henry May
- William Peel (colonial administrator)
- Template:Governor of Hong Kong
- Murray MacLehose, Baron MacLehose of Beoch
- Historical flags of the British Empire and the overseas territories
- List of flags with English-language text
- List of Hong Kong flags
- Diplomatic flag
- Flag of Hong Kong (1871–1997)
- Wikipedia:Graphics Lab/Illustration workshop/Archive/Oct 2024