Eget foto av konstnären Jessica Linholms byst av Stikkan Anderson gjuten av konstgjutaren Gunnar Pettersson utställd framför Gröna huset i Hova. Self-made.
This is a depiction of a building or work of art in Sweden. The depicted work is believed to be protected by copyright. According to Article 24 of the Swedish copyright act, "Works of art may be depicted if they are permanently placed on or at a public place outdoors" and "Buildings may be freely depicted." It has been widely accepted that this provision made distribution of depictions such as this one legal.
On 4 April 2016, however, the Supreme Court of Sweden issued a statement that the first paragraph in Article 24 does not extend to publication of works of art in online repositories, and on 6 July 2017, a lower court ruled that linking to depictions of copyrighted works of art hosted by Wikimedia (including on Commons) in a database constitutes copyright infringement. See COM:CRT/Sweden#Freedom of panorama for more information.
The second paragraph in the article, about buildings, was not evaluated in the statement or ruling.
The implications of these decisions on Commons' ability to continue to distribute this and other depictions like it are currently under analysis.
Reusing or linking to this file can have legal consequences, unless the artist has died before 1 Jan 1954, to which either {{PD-Sweden-photo}} or {{PD-old-70}} may apply. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you do not infringe the copyright belonging to someone else. See our general disclaimer for more information.
Minä, tämän teoksen tekijänoikeudellinen omistaja, julkaisen tämän teoksen public domainiin eli luovun kaikista tekijänoikeuksista lain sallimissa puitteissa. Tämä on voimassa maailmanlaajuisesti. Joissain maissa laki ei mahdollista tätä. Mikäli näin on: Myönnän kenelle tahansa oikeuden käyttää tätä teosta mihin tahansa tarkoitukseen, ilman mitään ehtoja, ellei laki vaadi ehtojen asettamista.
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