Tiedosto:Solargraph from Sashegy - Budapest, 2014.01.01 - 2014.12.31 (1).jpg

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English: 1 year exposure taken on the whole year of 2014. The Sun leave trails in her apparent motion from East to West. From the third elevation on Sashegy, Buda, Budapest, Hungary. Description: 004_kicsi_nyers_vagott-tukrozott_feldolgozott-web . This image, made using a technique known as "solargraphy" in which a pinhole camera captures the movement of the Sun in the sky over many months, was taken from the third elevation of Sashegy, on the plateau. Facing Hermánd utca. The solar trails in the image were recorded over a year and clearly show the third top of the 256-metre altitude site. The idea for creating the solargraphs at Sashegy came from Bob Fosbury, an astronomer based at ESO Headquarters in Germany. The cans are constructed from small black plastic canisters used for storing 35 mm film cassettes. A pinhole in a sheet of aluminium foil is placed over a small aperture drilled into the side of the can, and a rectangle of black and white photographic printing paper is curled and placed snugly around the inside of the can. Two cans were mounted facing south on the rooftop of an ordinery house. The cans at Sashegy were exposed for a full 12 months from 1st of January, 2014 until 31st of December, 2014. The colours appearing in this pinhole camera picture are not related to the actual colours of the scene. The colour comes from the appearance of finely divided metallic silver growing on silver halide grains. With solargraphic images, the photographic paper is not developed but simply scanned with a normal colour scanner after exposure and then "inverted" — switched from negative to positive — in the computer. This reveals the latent image, which in a normal photograph consists of around ten silver atoms per billion atoms of silver halide grain and is usually invisible. On continued exposure however, the latent image clumps grow so that the first visible signs of an image are yellowish, which then darkens to sepia and finally to a maroonish-brown hue as the particle size increases. Eventually the maximum exposure produces a slate-grey shade. Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-exposure_photography#/media/File:Solargraph_APEX.tif http://www.alternativephotography.com/wp/processes/pinholes/solargraphy-catching-the-suns-path-pinhole-camera
Päiväys 2014.01.01 - 2014.12.31
Lähde Oma teos
Tekijä Elekes Andor


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Solargraph from Sashegy

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solargraph englanti

solarigraphy englanti

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nykyinen26. lokakuuta 2015 kello 19.13Pienoiskuva 26. lokakuuta 2015 kello 19.13 tallennetusta versiosta873 × 1 024 (130 KiB)Elekes AndorUser created page with UploadWizard

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