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English: Illustration on how card game Ristiseiska is played. Demonstrated game situation.

1. Player who has seven of the clubs in their hand, starts the game by placing the card on board. 2. Next players may either place another seven if they have it (e.g. seven of hearts) or card number 6 beneath the 7, if corresponding 7 has been placed on table. 3. Only after 6 has been placed under 7, corresponding 8 may be placed on top of 7. Before 8 has been placed on board, 5 may not be played on top of 6. 4. After both 6 and 8 have been placed on board, players may start placing larger and smaller cards from their hands (e.g. 5 or 9). 5. Cards are placed in number order first 8, then 9, then 10, continuing with jack and queen. 6. After 2 is placed on top of lower pile, it will be turned over. Player may continue and place another card if they wish.

7. King will turn the upper pile over. The player may choose to continue playing if they want, and place another card on table. In this simulated game situation, the player could first place 2 of hearts on top 3 of hearts, then continue by placing king of hearts and continue their turn and place third card, say 4 of spades. Therefore player would have got rid of three cards from his hand in a single turn.
Lähde Oma teos
Tekijä Murrur


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3. tammikuu 2016

106 451 tavu

891 pikseli

894 pikseli



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nykyinen3. tammikuuta 2016 kello 22.11Pienoiskuva 3. tammikuuta 2016 kello 22.11 tallennetusta versiosta894 × 891 (104 KiB)MurrurCorrected wrong card in original picture.
3. tammikuuta 2016 kello 21.47Pienoiskuva 3. tammikuuta 2016 kello 21.47 tallennetusta versiosta894 × 891 (100 KiB)MurrurUser created page with UploadWizard

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