This map, as well as other fictitious maps, is fictitious or too incorrect (i.e. due to anachronism) to be used in real-life contexts (contemporary or historic). It may have some visual elements that are similar to official maps such as colors or certain layout features, but they are NOT official and don't have any official recognition.
Map of fictional events in the 1984 movie Red Dawn, at the start of World War III.
Blue = US and allies (United Kingdom "England", China "600 million screaming Chinamen", presumably Unoccupied Canada)
Green = Neutral (Europe, "they're sitting this one out")
Red = USSR and allies (showing USSR invasion of Alaska "stopped butt cold" at the contiguous 48 US border, Occupied Canadian Provinces of British Columbia, Western portion of Alberta and the Yukon Territory, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala fall, Mexico in revolution, Texas described as being behind enemy lines, Oklahoma and most of Kansas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri probably overrun too, Colorado where the movie is set - invasion force stopped at Cheyenne, Wyoming. Blue circle shows Denver under siege.)
Grey = Unknown
Red squares = use of Soviet nuclear weapons - Beijing "there were", Washington, Kansas City & Omaha
At the end of the movie the US is implied on a plaque as having won the war, although how they did it is not explained.
If The US stopped them at the Mississippi River, then the color used for the US state Mississippi is incorrect. Mississippi would be part of F.A. (Free America) not occupied as the map indicates.
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Map of fictional events in the 1984 movie Red Dawn, at the start of World War III.
== Summary == Map of fictional events in 1984 movie Red Dawn, at the start of World War III *Blue = US and allies (United Kingdom, China "600 million screaming Chinamen", presumably Unoccupied Canada) *Green = Neutral (Europe, "they're sitting this one o
Map of fictional events in 1984 movie Red Dawn, at the start of World War III Blue = US and allies (England, China "600 million screaming Chinamen", presumably Canada) Green = Neutral (Europe, "theyre sitting this one out") Red = USSR and allies (showing