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Raskina10-syd20000929blr-450ver2.jpg (295 × 450 kuvapistettä, 55 KiB, MIME-tyyppi: image/jpeg)


English: Photograph of Yulia Raskina of Belarus performing with rope on way to winning silver medal in rhythmic gymnastics at the 2000 Olympic Games on September 29, 2000 at Sydney, Australia. Photo taken by Tom Theobald and released into the public domain. Template:Yulia Raskina, Belarusian rhythmic gymnast, 2000 Olympic silver medalist, 2000 Sydney Olympic Games
Päiväys Kuvattu 29. syyskuuta 2000
Lähde Oma teos
Tekijä Tomtheobald
(Tämän tiedoston uudelleenkäyttö)
I am Tom Theobald the photographer of the above image and copyright holder of these photo. I am giving permission to Wikipedia to release to the public domain the above photo under the "free" re-use terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. That is by the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, I am allowing 3rd parties "free" re-use without compensation to me for any non-commercial and commercial purposes of their choosing and with modifications or alterations to the image. I grant this permission as long as the 3rd party gives credit to me, Tom Theobald as photographer in text and font of their choosing in association with the photo. That is the 3rd party clearly states and gives credit on or near the photo or in caption descriptions that the photo was taken by Tom Theobald. For 3rd party users, typically the words used for media credit are, "Photo by Tom Theobald".


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Yulia Raskina englanti

29. syyskuu 2000

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nykyinen30. lokakuuta 2010 kello 10.13Pienoiskuva 30. lokakuuta 2010 kello 10.13 tallennetusta versiosta295 × 450 (55 KiB)Tomtheobald{{Information |Description={{en|1=Photograph of Yulia Raskina of Belarus performing with rope on way to winning silver medal in rhythmic gymnastics at the 2000 Olympic Games on September 29, 2000 at Sydney, Australia. Photo taken by Tom Theobald and relea

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