English: This is a schematic drawing of a traditional Persian style garden. Note the water structure most notably a pond or a fountain, almost always connected via four perpendicular connections or waterways named in Old Persian "jubs" or basically aqueducts. The structure is almost always pivoted at the long axis of this "cross" or quadripartite format so that the magnificent palace or the dwelling is looking upon the long axis of the waterway and the foundation. The walkways are often incorporated close and parallel to the long arm of the aqueduct, with trees ornating the sides and beautiful herbs, plants or domestic animals filling the inside space. Traditionally, when the property was not an issue to acquire you find these gardens surrounded by the wild space, utilized as a place for the nob and the nobility to hunt wild exotic creatures, if not go out in wild adventures.
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{{Information |Description ={{en|1=This is a schematic drawing of a traditional Persian style garden. Note the water structure most notably a pond or a fountatin, almost always connected via four perpendicular connections or waterways named in Old Pers