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Tiedosto:Paddy Chayefsky NYWTS edited.jpg

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Kuvaus Paddy Chayefsky, half-length portrait, seated at typewriter, facing left / World-Telegram photo by Walter Albertin.
Lähde Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection.
Tekijä New York World-Telegram and the Sun staff photographer: Albertin, Walter, photographer.
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Note: this version has been cropped and digitally edited, to remove some of the background that was partially whited out, and eliminate various pencil & tape marks.

Tämä image on saatavilla Yhdysvaltain kongressin kirjaston Prints and Photographs division digitaalisella ID:llä cph.3c21944.
Tämä merkintä ei osoita oheisen teoksen tekijänoikeustilannetta. Normaali lisenssimerkintä vaaditaan lisäksi. Katso Commons:Lisensointi.

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Deutsch: Paddy Chayefsky (* 29. Januar 1923 in New York; † 1. August 1981 ebenda) war ein US-amerikanischer Autor.
English: Sidney Aaron Chayefsky ( January 29, 1923August 1, 1981) known as Paddy Chayefsky was an acclaimed dramatist who transitioned from the golden age of American live television in the 1950s to have a successful career as a playwright and screenwriter for Hollywood.
Polski: Paddy Chayefsky wł. Sidney Aaron Chayefsky ( 29 stycznia 1923 w Nowym Jorku, zm. 1 sierpnia 1981 w Nowym Jorku), amerykański scenarzysta telewizyjny i filmowy, pisarz, dramaturg.

(This summary was created using Commons SumItUp)


Public domain This work is from the New York World-Telegram and Sun collection at the Library of Congress. According to the library, there are no known copyright restrictions on the use of this work.
This photograph is a work for hire created prior to 1968 by a staff photographer at New York World-Telegram & Sun. It is part of a collection donated to the Library of Congress and per the instrument of gift it is in the public domain.

Photographs in this collection other than those identified by such stamps as "World-Telegram photo" or "World-Telegram photo by Ed Palumbo" might not be in the public domain. Works within the collection may be attributed to other news services that retain copyright, works of the U.S. government that are in the public domain in the US, or works with no attribution for which copyright cannot be determined.


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nykyinen17. tammikuuta 2007 kello 22.44Pienoiskuva 17. tammikuuta 2007 kello 22.44 tallennetusta versiosta2 491 × 2 783 (791 KiB)Davepape==Summary== {{Information |Source=Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection. |Description= {{w|Paddy Chayefsky}}, half-length portrait

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