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Tiedosto:New England aviators 1914-1918; their portraits and their records (1919) (14779698454).jpg

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Identifier: NewEnglandaviatVol1Tick (find matches)
Title: New England aviators 1914-1918; their portraits and their records
Year: 1919 (1910s)
Authors: Ticknor, Caroline, 1866-1937, ed
Subjects: Biography Aeronautics World War, 1914-1918
Publisher: Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin Company
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Smithsonian Libraries

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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m the British Army, which,unknown to him, his friends in Boston had been active in securingfor him because of the illness of his father in Colfax, la. He returnedto the United States immediately, visited Iowa, found his fathermuch improved, and settled in Boston where he spent the winterlecturing and working on his book Kitcheners Mob. In June,1916, he attended the Officers Training Camp at Plattsburg, N.Y. He returned to England in July, intending to continue literarywork, but instead enlisted in the French Aviation Service on Oct.13, 1916. He trained in the French aviation schools at Buc (Seine-et-Oise), Avord (Cher), and Le Plessis-Belleville (Oise), and wasassigned to the Lafayette Escadrille. On June 26, 1917, he had anencounter with seven German airplanes, was shot through the shoul-der and lungs, and fell 12,000 feet to what seemed certain death.But fortunately he was picked up alive and taken to a hospitalnear Paris, where he soon recovered. Reports of his death reached ( 22 )
Text Appearing After Image:
JAMES NORMAN HALL America, but he wrote from the hospital at Neuilly to a friendthat he was alive. When he left the hospital on Sept. 22, 1917, he returned to thefront as a pilot in the French Squadron, Spad 112. A fortnight laterhe was transferred to his old unit, the Lafayette Escadrille, withwhich he served, with the rank of Sergeant, until his transfer tothe United States Air Service. He was commissioned Captain,A.S.A., U.S.A., on Jan. 26, 1918, and was kept on active duty withthe Escadrille Lafayette which had just become the 103d PursuitSquadron, U.S.A.S. On March 29, 1918, he was assigned to the 94thPursuit Squadron as Flight Commander. He was shot down incombat on May 7, 1918, near Pagny-sur-Moselle, back of the Ger-man lines. He tells the story of this encounter in his book, HighAdventure. Again it was reported that he was dead. But on May 8, a Ger-man airman flew over the Allied lines, and dropped a note sayingthat Hall was safe. Capt. Hall returned to America shortly after,

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  • bookid:NewEnglandaviatVol1Tick
  • bookyear:1919
  • bookdecade:1910
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Ticknor__Caroline__1866_1937__ed
  • booksubject:Biography
  • booksubject:Aeronautics
  • booksubject:World_War__1914_1918
  • bookpublisher:Boston__New_York__Houghton_Mifflin_Company
  • bookcontributor:Smithsonian_Libraries
  • booksponsor:Smithsonian_Libraries
  • bookleafnumber:46
  • bookcollection:smithsonian
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23. syyskuuta 2015


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James Norman Hall

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