Tiedosto:MIM PHX 2011-04-26 0188 edited.jpg

Siirry navigaatioon Siirry hakuun

Alkuperäinen tiedosto (3 000 × 2 600 kuvapistettä, 2,2 MiB, MIME-tyyppi: image/jpeg)


English: Photograph of musical instrument(s) taken at the Musical Instrument Museum (Phoenix) on 2011-04-26.


[left outside]
Acme Queenparlor organ[1]
(reed organ)
USA, c. 1902 ?
... Organ Company ...

[right outside]
Acme Thunderer slide whistle[1]
Birmingham, West Midlands, England,
20th c.
J. Hudson & Co., maker
Originally developed for law enforcement,
Acme whistle designs also accommodated
sound effect
Ex Walter J. Erdmann Collection
Stradivariushalf-sized violin[1]
(bowed lute)
Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1920-1940
Jackson-Guldan Co., maker
Model names such as “Stradivarius” and
“Amati” helped to bolster sales of these
economical and dependable violins
Ex Fiske Collection, Claremont University Consortium
[right bottom]
Alto ocarina (vessel flute)[2]
USA, 20th c.
Ex Fiske Collection, Claremont University Consortium
2009.164.40Marine Bandharmonica[2]
Trossingen, Germany, 1945-2000
Matth. Hohner AG, maker
E2009.10.2, 2010.100.1-2

USA, 20th c.
Tonett (duct flute)
DeKalb, Illinois, USA, 1950s
Ziegner Swanson, maker
Ex Fiske Collection, Claremont University Consortium
2009.164.112, 2009.164.100
During the late 19th century, America's growing middle class turned to music making in
their newfound free time.[1]

Amateur musicians sought easy-to-learn
music and inexpensive instruments.
Manufacturers responded, flooding
the market with affordable instruments
that were easy to play. Sold door to
door and in mail-order catalogs, mass-
produced instruments ranged from toys,
sich as novelty kazoos, to professional
instruments, such as finely handcrafted
mandolins made by Howe-Orme.

Family members from young to old could
learn to play, especially on instruments that
had been simplified. For instance, adding
buttons or bow guides to zithers made it
easier for an untrained musician to play
the correct note or chord. People came
together in informal orchestras across
America to play popular instruments
such as banjos, mandolins, and guitars.
Lähde Oma teos
Tekijä Tashaila Nichole Meyers & User:Argon233
(Tämän tiedoston uudelleenkäyttö)
CC-BY-SA 3.0
Further reading
  1. a b c d Kryptonic83 (2016-08-05 10:47:29). Mail-Order Instruments. Flickr.
  2. a b c Kryptonic83 (2016-08-05 10:47:37). Mail-Order Instruments. Flickr.

Photograph by Tashaila Nichole Meyers and this is posted with her explicit consent. As she is a minor, I (Argon233) have also secured explicit permission from her legal guardian (parent). I have ensured that both understand the ramifications of releasing the photo to me under a CC-BY-SA license, and informed them of my intent to post this image to Wikimedia Commons for use in Wikimedia projects, such as Wikipedia.

I (Argon233) have edited the files with the word edited in the file name, which edits may include cropping, rotating, filling in detracting voids left by cropping/rotating, and/or airbrushing out distracting details (such as a sign for an adjacent display that is not actual in frame of the photo).


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Kohteet, joita tässä tiedostossa esitetään


26. huhtikuu 2011

0.03333333333333333333 sekunti

4,6 millimetri


Tiedoston historia

Päiväystä napsauttamalla näet, millainen tiedosto oli kyseisellä hetkellä.

nykyinen16. lokakuuta 2011 kello 00.24Pienoiskuva 16. lokakuuta 2011 kello 00.24 tallennetusta versiosta3 000 × 2 600 (2,2 MiB)Argon233

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