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Tiedosto:LTU Order of the Cross of Vytis - Commander's Cross BAR.svg

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Alkuperäinen tiedosto (SVG-tiedosto; oletustarkkuus 218 × 60 kuvapistettä; tiedostokoko 24 KiB)


English: Ribbon bar: Cross of Commander of the Order of the Cross of Vytis – Lithuania.
Polski: Baretka: Krzyż Komandorski Orderu Krzyża Pogoni – Litwa.
Lietuvių: Juostelė: Vyčio Kryžiaus ordino Komandoro kryžius – Lietuva.
Tekijä Mboro
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Public domain
According to the Republic of Lithuania Law on Copyright and Related Rights (passed on May 18, 1999 and amended 2010) Chapter II, Section 1:

Article 5. Works not Attributed to the Subject Matter of Copyright Copyright shall not apply to:

 1) ideas, procedures, processes, systems, methods of operation, concepts, principles, discoveries or mere data;
 2) legal acts, official documents texts of administrative, legal or regulative nature (decisions, rulings, regulations, norms, territorial planning and other official documents), as well as their official translations;
 3) official State symbols and insignia (flags, coat-of-arms, anthems, banknote designs, and other State symbols and insignia) the protection of which is regulated by other legal acts;
 4) officially registered drafts of legal acts;
 5) regular information reports on events;
 6) folklore works.
Hence it is assumed that this image has been released into the public domain. However, in some instances the use of this image might be regulated by other laws.

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8. tammikuu 2011

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Päiväystä napsauttamalla näet, millainen tiedosto oli kyseisellä hetkellä.

nykyinen8. tammikuuta 2011 kello 10.12Pienoiskuva 8. tammikuuta 2011 kello 10.12 tallennetusta versiosta218 × 60 (24 KiB)Mboro{{Information |Description={{en|1=Ribbon bar: Cross of Commander of the Order of the Cross of Vytis – Lithuania.}} {{pl|1=Baretka: Krzyż Komandorski Orderu Krzyża Pogoni – Litwa.}} {{lt|1=Juostelė: Vyčio Kryžiaus ordino Komandoro kryžius – Lie

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