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English: James Russell Lowell. From the crayon portrait by Samuel Worcester Rowse

Identifier: memoriesofhostes02howe (find matches)
Title: Memories of a hostess : a chronicle of eminent friendships, drawn chiefly from the diaries of Mrs. James T. Fields
Year: 1922 (1920s)
Authors: Howe, M. A. De Wolfe (Mark Antony De Wolfe), 1864-1960 Roy J. Friedman Mark Twain Collection (Library of Congress) DLC Fields, Annie, 1834-1915
Subjects: Fields, Annie, 1834-1915 Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 Women -- Massachusetts Boston Diaries Friendship -- Massachusetts Boston Authors, American -- 19th century Biography Actors -- United States Biography Boston (Mass.) -- Intellectual life
Publisher: Boston : Atlantic Monthly Press
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation

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concernedherself with Longfellow and Whittier at even greaterlength than with Holmes and Emerson. The Whit-tier paper, besides, was printed as a small separate vol-ume; and in Samuel T. Pickards Life of Whittier,as in Samuel Longfellows biography of his brother,the letters from Whittier, as from Longfellow, to Mrs.Fields, and to her husband, bear witness to valued io6 MEMORIES OF A HOSTESS intimacies. Neither to Whittier nor to Longfellow,therefore, does it seem desirable to devote a specialsection of these papers; nor yet to Lowell, who neverbecame the subject of published reminiscences by Mrs.Fields, perhaps for the very reason that he figures ^ ^Wf. ^»«-c f>Ky »xcff^ Facsimile of autograph inscriptioti on a photograph of Rowsescrayon portrait of Lowe/I given to Fields somewhat less frequently than the others in her jour-nal. Yet there are many allusions to him, and in addi-tion to the letters to Fields which Norton selected forhis Letters of James Russell Lowell, and Scudder
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JAMES RUSSELL LOWELLFrom the crayon portrait by Rowse in the Harvard Culleye Library CONCORD AND CAMBRIDGE 107 for his biography of Lowell, a surprising numberof unprinted, characteristic communications, both toFields and to his wife, testify to their friendship. Theremainder of this chapter cannot be more profitablyemployed than by drawing from Mrs. Fieldss journalpassages relating to these and other local guests ofthe Charles Street house, and supplementing the diaryespecially with a few of Lowells sprightly letters tohis successor in the editorship of the AtlanticMonthly. It may be remarked, as fairly indicativeof the relations between Lowell and the Fieldsesthrough many years, that when they visited Englandin 1869 their traveling companion was Lowells daugh-ter Mabel. Here, to begin with, is a note written to accom-pany one of Lowells most familiar poems, After theBurial, when he sent the manuscript to the editor ofthe Atlantic. Lowells practice of shunning capitalsat the beginnin

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