This map covers the Mercenary War in overall, starting from the mercenary revolt, and ending with the battle of Leptis Magna. It is mainly extracted from Polybius' work, who describes the key events in the war (Revolt in Sicca, the two sieges of Tunis, the battle of the Badgrades river, the battle of "The Saw" and The death of Mathô in the battle of Leptis, which meant the end of the war.
Locations are drawn in order, but the arrows are far from accurate and try to represent long-term troop movements. There were long idle periods during the war where it turned to a kind of 'guerrilla' and troops stayed in the same place for months.
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{{Information |Description= Guerra de los Mercenarios, teatro principal de operaciones |Source= Foto STS096-723-33 de la NASA en modificada |Date= 20 Aug. 2007 |Author= Redtony |Permission