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Tiedosto:Ethiopian imperial standard of Haile Selassie I (reverse).svg

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Alkuperäinen tiedosto (SVG-tiedosto; oletustarkkuus 900 × 600 kuvapistettä; tiedostokoko 392 KiB)


English: Ethiopian imperial standard of Haile Selassie I (reverse).
Päiväys 1930-1974
This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this file:
Greater coat of arms of Georgia.svg.
This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this file:
Imperial coat of arms of Ethiopia (Haile Selassie).svg.
This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this file:
Coat of Arms of Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia (Order of Charles III).svg.


See also: Flags of the World: Imperial Ethiopia.
(Tämän tiedoston uudelleenkäyttö)
Public domain This work is in the public domain in Ethiopia because its copyright protection has expired or it is exempted from copyright by virtue of the Proclamation No. 410/2004 on Copyright and Neighboring Rights Protection, enacted 2004 (details). The work meets one of the following criteria:
  • It is an anonymous, pseudonymous or posthumous work and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is a collective or audiovisual work and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is a photographic work, and 25 years have passed since the date of its creation (or publication, whatever date is the latest)
  • It is another kind of work, and 50 years have passed since the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author)
  • It is "any official text of a legislative, administrative or of legal nature, as well as official translations thereof"
  • It is "Any idea, procedures, system, method of operation. concept, formula, numerical tables and forms of general use, principle, discovery or mere date, even if expressed, described, explained, illustrated or embodied in a work"
Important note: Works prepared by the Government of Ethiopia and its employees are prepared in a fashion for general news format and noncommercial publication and for public dissemination freely an equivalent to how laws and non-laws at the legislative and administrative ministerial positions are free and public in a general distributable format: and as such copyright laws usually do not legally apply for such a basis
Copyright notes

Copyright notes
Per U.S. Circ. 38a, the following countries are not participants in the Berne Convention or Universal Copyright Convention and there is no presidential proclamation restoring U.S. copyright protection to works of these countries on the basis of reciprocal treatment of the works of U.S. nationals or domiciliaries:
  • Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Marshall Islands, Palau, Somalia, Somaliland, and South Sudan.

As such, works published by citizens of these countries in these countries are usually not subject to copyright protection outside of these countries. Hence, such works may be in the public domain in most other countries worldwide.


  • Works published in these countries by citizens or permanent residents of other countries that are signatories to the Berne Convention or any other treaty on copyright will still be protected in their home country and internationally as well as locally by local copyright law (if it exists).
  • Similarly, works published outside of these countries within 30 days of publication within these countries will also usually be subject to protection in the foreign country of publication. When works are subject to copyright outside of these countries, the term of such copyright protection may exceed the term of copyright inside them.
  • Unpublished works from these countries may be fully copyrighted.
  • A work from one of these countries may become copyrighted in the United States under the URAA if the work's home country enters a copyright treaty or agreement with the United States and the work is still under copyright in its home country.

Ethiopia has enacted a copyright law as published in the Official Gazette (unofficial English (WIPO) translation) which came into force on 19 July 2004.
Tämä tiedosto ei ylitä teoskynnystä, joten se ei saa tekijänoikeuden suojaa.
Insignia Tässä kuvassa on lippu, vaakuna, sinetti tai muu virallinen arvo- tai tunnuskuvio. Lainsäädäntö voi rajoittaa tällaisen kuvion käyttöä, joten varmista, että saat käyttää sitä. Tällaiset rajoitukset eivät liity tekijänoikeuteen, joten tekijänoikeuksista vapaakaan tunnuskuva ei välttämättä ole täysin vapaasti käytettävissä.
Muut versiot

Obverse side

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Tiedoston historia

Päiväystä napsauttamalla näet, millainen tiedosto oli kyseisellä hetkellä.

nykyinen12. helmikuuta 2020 kello 17.03Pienoiskuva 12. helmikuuta 2020 kello 17.03 tallennetusta versiosta900 × 600 (392 KiB)FDRMRZUSACorrected slight imperfections: centered script and "little" star under collar; fixed height for green and red stripes (in previous version between 199 and 200 px). Optimized svg code with code cleanup and reduction.
11. helmikuuta 2020 kello 21.05Pienoiskuva 11. helmikuuta 2020 kello 21.05 tallennetusta versiosta900 × 600 (467 KiB)HavsjöCollar same size as on other side (where the lion should be the same size as it is in the sources)
8. helmikuuta 2020 kello 05.26Pienoiskuva 8. helmikuuta 2020 kello 05.26 tallennetusta versiosta900 × 600 (367 KiB)Sodacannew collar and stars
5. helmikuuta 2020 kello 20.53Pienoiskuva 5. helmikuuta 2020 kello 20.53 tallennetusta versiosta900 × 600 (367 KiB)FDRMRZUSAFixed symmetry for "collar". No other changes.
5. helmikuuta 2020 kello 18.56Pienoiskuva 5. helmikuuta 2020 kello 18.56 tallennetusta versiosta900 × 600 (366 KiB)FDRMRZUSAImproved "collar" and "script" for better matching sourced images.
11. marraskuuta 2019 kello 19.51Pienoiskuva 11. marraskuuta 2019 kello 19.51 tallennetusta versiosta900 × 600 (583 KiB)FDRMRZUSAChanged according to new sources (see: [].
13. maaliskuuta 2019 kello 19.45Pienoiskuva 13. maaliskuuta 2019 kello 19.45 tallennetusta versiosta900 × 600 (138 KiB)FDRMRZUSACorrections.
13. maaliskuuta 2019 kello 19.01Pienoiskuva 13. maaliskuuta 2019 kello 19.01 tallennetusta versiosta900 × 600 (166 KiB)FDRMRZUSAUser created page with UploadWizard

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