If you use one of my photos outside Wikipedia and Commons, please email me (account needed) or leave me a short message on my discussion page. It would be greatly appreciated. Do not copy this image illegally by ignoring the terms of the license below, as it is not in the public domain. If you would like special permission to use, license, or purchase the image please contact me to negotiate terms.
The article 24 of the Danish copyright law permits free uses of depictions of architecture. This, however, does not extend to the works of art that are located in public places. They cannot be commercially published when they constitute the central element of the picture.
nimeäminen – Sinun on mainittava lähde asianmukaisesti, tarjottava linkki lisenssiin sekä merkittävä, mikäli olet tehnyt muutoksia. Voit tehdä yllä olevan millä tahansa kohtuullisella tavalla, mutta et siten, että annat ymmärtää lisenssinantajan suosittelevan sinua tai teoksen käyttöäsi.
This image has been assessed under the valued image criteria and is considered the most valued image on Commons within the scope: Exterior of DOKK1. You can see its nomination here.
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