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Tiedosto:David O. Sacks 2024 (cropped).jpg

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David_O._Sacks_2024_(cropped).jpg (374 × 495 kuvapistettä, 28 KiB, MIME-tyyppi: image/jpeg)


English: From Johnson's X:

Great to sit down with some of my colleagues and @DavidSacks, Trump’s AI & Crypto Czar.

We discussed how Congress and the Administration can work together to jumpstart the AI and crypto industries.

With certainty, not overregulation, we can ensure America leads both industries.
Tekijä Office of Speaker Mike Johnson
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: Mike Johnson and David O. Sacks 2024.jpg
alkuperäinen tiedosto


Public domain This Speaker of the United States House of Representatives image is in the public domain. This may be because it was taken by an employee of the Office of the Speaker as part of that person’s official duties, or because it has been released into the public domain and posted on or an official social media account of the Speaker. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.


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nykyinen27. joulukuuta 2024 kello 23.36Pienoiskuva 27. joulukuuta 2024 kello 23.36 tallennetusta versiosta374 × 495 (28 KiB)TDKR Chicago 101File:Mike Johnson and David O. Sacks 2024.jpg cropped 82 % horizontally, 70 % vertically, 95 % areawise using CropTool with precise mode.

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