It is an official document (whatever is their original language or the language translated to them, such as the texts of laws, regulations, decisions, international agreements, judgments, arbitrators’ awards and the decisions of the administrative committees having judicial competence) or a work transferred to public property (art. 3).
It is another kind of work and Authors Life + 50 years have elapsed since the creation of the art (art. 20-1).
It is another kind of collective work and Authors Life + 50 years have elapsed since the publication of the work (art. 20-3).
A work published anonymously or pseudonymously and 50 years have elapsed since the publication of the work, unless the author is discovered or disclosed (art. 20-4).
It is a work of applied arts and 25 years have elapsed since the end of the year in which it was first published (art. 20-5).
Huomaa, että tämä teos ei välttämättä ole public domainissa maissa, jotka eivät käytä lyhyimmän keston sääntöä ja joissa tekijänoikeuden kesto on 50 vuotta tekijän kuoleman jälkeen. Mainittaen, Meksikossa 100 vuotta, Jamaikalla 95 vuotta, Kolumbiassa 80 vuotta, Guatemalassa ja Samoassa 75 vuotta, Sveitsissä ja Yhdysvalloissa 70 vuotta ja Venezuelassa 60 vuotta.
Lisää yhden rivin pituinen kuvaus tästä tiedostosta
صوره تبين حاكم دبي الثامن مع أبناءه الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم والمغفور له الشيخ مكتوم كانت هذه الصورة سنة 1968ميلادي
{{Information |Description= |Source= Adi Bitar in a meeting with Sheik Rashid Al maktoum and Sheikh Mohammad Al Maktoum and Sheik Maktoum Al maktoum in Dubai in 1968 |Date= 1968 |Author=Dubai Government Photographer |Permission=Look Bellow |other_versions
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