The Portable Antiquities Scheme, Wendy Scott, 2005-09-08 12:45:01
0315A3 Roman tutulus brooch
English: Roman copper alloy brooch, 30mm long and 28mm wide. The brooch is a fine example of the tutulus style plate brooch. It has pin and catchplate intact and the brooch is formed of a conical protrusion which is decorated with raised bands. This is surrounded by a border of circular shapes arranged like petals.
Kuvan esittämä paikka
(County of findspot) Leicestershire
vuosien 1 ja 410 välisenä aikana
FindID: 106440 Old ref: LEIC-0315A3 Filename: 0315A3.jpg
The Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) is a voluntary programme run by the United Kingdom government to record the increasing numbers of small finds of archaeological interest found by members of the public. The scheme started in 1997 and now covers most of England and Wales. Finds are published at
Nimeä: The Portable Antiquities Scheme/ The Trustees of the British Museum
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