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Malline:Location map Monta

(Ohjattu sivulta Malline:Location map many)

Mallineen ohje [näytä] [muokkaa] [päivitä]

Mallineen avulla saadaan samaan karttapohjaan 1 – 9 markkeria teksteineen.

Malline toimii samoin kuin Malline:Location_map, mutta sallii enemmän markkereita, joista jokainen voi olla erilainen, kutenDiamond_sheer_red_20.gif (marksize=20) joka näyttää punaisen timanttikuvion : tai: Cercle_rouge_100%.svg punainen ympyrä isompi musta timantti: Diamond_sheer_black_37.gif ja vähän isompana marksize=37

Wikimedia pointterisymboleita Commonsissa: commons:Category:Map pointers.
{{Location map Monta
|locname   (selected from templates named "Location_map_<locname>")
------------------------------------------- 1st label & marker
|label      = 1st label text
|label_size = 1st label font size, percent (such as "85")
|position   = pos = left or right or top or bottom – position of
              1st label relative to 1st mark (default: right)
|background = bg = background color for 1st label, defaults transparent
|lat_deg    = 1st latitude degrees (negative to indicate south)
|lat_min    = 1st latitude minutes (negative to indicate south)
|lat_sec    = 1st latitude seconds (or use combined lat)
|lat_dir    = 1st latitude direction: N = north (default), S = south
|lon_deg    = 1st longitude degrees (negative to indicate west)
|lon_min    = 1st longitude minutes (negative to indicate west)
|lon_sec    = 1st longitude seconds (or use combined long)
|lon_dir    = 1st longitude direction: E = east (default), W = west
|lat        = 1st latitude  (as decimal; negative for south latitude)
|long       = 1st longitude (as decimal; negative for west longitude)
|mark       = 1st marker image file name, a red dot by default
|marksize   = 1st marker size in pixels (0=skip marker, default=8)
------------------------------------------- 2nd label & marker
|label2      = 2nd label text
|label2_size = 2nd label font size, percent (such as "85")
|position2   = pos2 = left or right or top or bottom – position of
               2nd label relative to 2nd mark (default: right)
|background2 = bg2 = background color for 2nd label, defaults transparent
|lat2_deg    = 2nd latitude degrees (negative to indicate south)
|lat2_min    = 2nd latitude minutes (negative to indicate south)
|lat2_sec    = 2nd latitude seconds (or use combined lat2)
|lat2_dir    = 2nd latitude direction: N = north (default), S = south
|lon2_deg    = 2nd longitude degrees (negative to indicate west)
|lon2_min    = 2nd longitude minutes (negative to indicate west)
|lon2_sec    = 2nd longitude seconds (or use combined long2)
|lon2_dir    = 2nd longitude direction: E = east (default), W = west
|lat2        = 2nd latitude  (as decimal; negative for south latitude)
|long2       = 2nd longitude (as decimal; negative for west longitude)
|mark2       = 2nd marker image file name, a red dot by default
|mark2size   = 2nd marker size in pixels (0=skip, default=8)
------------------------------------------- 3rd label & marker
|label3      = 3rd label text
|label3_size = 3rd label font size, percent (such as "120")
|pos3, bg3   = 3rd label position & background color
   (... similar latitude/longitude parameters named "~3" ...)
|mark3       = 3rd marker image file name, a red dot by default
|mark3size   = 3rd marker size in pixels (0=skip, default=8)
   (...repeat until label9/mark9...)
|border     = border color or none
|caption    = map caption; for no caption enter "caption=";
              if omitted, then the caption will be auto-generated
              as: "<marker #1 label> (<location map name>)"
|float      = left or right or center or none for map placement
|width      = map width for display size
|AlternativeMap = Alternative map file name (changes background map,
             border coordinates are determined based on the map name);
             this is only recommended for use in templates

Valmiit sijaintikartat

[muokkaa wikitekstiä]


[muokkaa wikitekstiä]

Kartta kahdella kohteella

[muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Pag (Croatia)
{{Location map Monta
 |label=Pag |marksize=8
    |pos=right    | bg=yellow
    |lat_deg=44   | lat_min=26
    |lon_deg=15   | lon_min=3
    |mark2=Rouge-Admin JollyRoger.svg
    |pos2=top     | bg2=white
    |lat2_deg=46  | lat2_min=30
    |lon2_deg=17  | lon2_min=30


Kartta kolmella kohteella

[muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Pag (Croatia)
{{Location map Monta | Kroatia
 | label=Pag | position=right
      | lat=44.44  | long=15.05
      | marksize=8
 | label2=Anytown
      | pos2=bottom | bg2=yellow
      | lat2=45.86  | long2=17.50
      | marksize=8
      | background2=yellow
 | label3=Anytown2
      | pos3=top   | bg3=lightgreen
      | lat3=46.23 | long3=18.43
 | width=260 | float=right


Kartta timantti-markkerilla

[muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Hispaniola (& Cuba)
{{ Location map Monta | 100x100
 | label = Hispaniola
   | lat=38.2 | long=69.3
   | background = #CCDDFF
   | position=left | marksize=1
 | label2 =
   | lat2=52.2 | long2=73.9 | mark2size=42
   | mark2=Diamond_sheer_red_37.png
 | label3 = Cuba
   | lat3=59.2 | long3=68.0
   | pos3=left | mark3size=1
 | float=right | width=250
 | AlternativeMap = LocationJamaica.svg
 | caption = Site of '''Hispaniola'''

Site of Hispaniola

Jotkin kohteet kartan ulkopuolella

[muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Pag (Croatia)
{{Location map Monta | Kroatia
 | label=Pag | position=right
      | lat=44.44  | long=15.05
      | marksize=8
 | label2=Anytown
      | pos2=bottom | bg2=yellow
      | lat2=47.40  | long2=12.80
      | marksize=8
      | background2=yellow
 | label3=Anytown2
      | pos3=top   | bg3=lightgreen
      | lat3=41.98 | long3=18.43
 | label4=North Croatia | pos4=left
      | mark4size=0 | bg4=lightgreen
      | lat4=46.22  | long4=17.7
 | width=260 | float=right

North Croatia

Kartta yhdeksällä kohteella

[muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Pag (Croatia)
{{Location map Monta | Kroatia
 | label=Pag | position=right
      | lat=44.44 | long=15.05
 | label2=Anytown
      | pos2=bottom| label2_size=110
      | lat2=45.86 | long2=17.50
      | background2=yellow
 | label3=Anytown2
      | pos3=top  | label3_size=290
      | lat3=46.23 | long3=18.43
      | background3=green
 | mark4=Diamond_sheer_black_20.png
      | mark4size=19
      | label4=44.0 (latitude)
      | lat4=44.00 | long4=13.5
 | mark5=Diamond_sheer_black_20.png
      | mark5size=20
      | label5=44.5
      | lat5=44.50 | long5=13.5
 | mark6=Diamond_sheer_black_20.png
      | mark6size=20
      | label6=45.0
      | lat6=45.00 | long6=13.5
 | mark7=Diamond_sheer_black_20.png
      | mark7size=20
      | label7=45.5
      | lat7=45.50 | long7=13.5
 | mark8=Diamond_sheer_black_20.png
      | mark8size=20
      | label8=46.0
      | lat8=46.00 | long8=13.5
 | label9=''CROATIA'' |label9_size=165
      | mark9size=<!--label only-->1
      | lat9=42.60 | long9=14.4
 | width=260 | float=right

44.0 (latitude)

Kustomoitu teksti ja tausta

[muokkaa wikitekstiä]
{{Location map Monta | Kroatia
 |caption=Imotski in Croatia

Imotski in Croatia

Isot tekstit ja merkit

[muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Pag (Croatia)
{{Location map Monta | Kroatia
 |marksize=14 | position=right
 |caption=Pag Island in Croatia

Pag Island in Croatia
Brčko (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
{{Location map Monta


Läntinen pallonpuolisko

[muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Lockerbie (Scotland)
{{Location map Monta | Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
 | lat_dir=N
 | lat_deg=55 | lat_min=07 | lat_sec=16
 | lon_deg= -3 | lon_min=-21 | lon_sec=-19
 |caption=Lockerbie in Scotland

Lockerbie in Scotland

Maa ylittää 180° meridiaanin

[muokkaa wikitekstiä]
Uelen (Russia)
{{Location map Monta
